
Profile Overview


Barzan Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Ensign Mkana


Command Ensign
USS Columbia (Archive)




Barzan II


A Starfleet Officer assigned to the USS Columbia in its command department. Mkana is known to have high grades in the field of Exology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice at Starfleet Academy that he recently graduated from.


He has short, curly black hair, with brown eyes. Standing tall, he is about 1.78 cm and weighs about 82 kg. He has no visible scars or tattoos on his body. But he can mount a breather at the side of his neck if he experiences difficulty adapting to an alien atmosphere.


Mkana would be defined in personal traits to be extroverted, observant, showing empathy, and prospecting on opportunity. He tends to stay open-minded, approaching life with new experiences and people with whom he feels connected. People consider Mkana charming, sensitive to others, imaginative, passionate about what he does, and curious. Thought he doesn’t want to admit it, he tends to be unpredictable, easily stressed, and overly competitive.


Early Life

He was born on Barzan II, the homeworld of the Barzan people. He lived in a large family and was considered one of the youngest. But it doesn’t mean that he was not having an easy life. The Barzan life was still seen as a resource-poor species depending on others for generations and working on various asteroid belts or low-paid jobs. Mkana was no exception, as he joined his father at an early age in asteroid ice mining. He was part of this business and harsh life for five years until he turned his back on his family business and applied to Starfleet for a better prospect of life. His family disapproved of it, his father mostly ignored him until he left, and they have not talked.

Starfleet Life

Starfleet Academy

He was accepted at 18, to his surprise, and while he had an extended skill set in the field of gravity, space, and asteroids. He still excels in Exology, Sociology, and Criminal Justice. He enjoyed his years at the academy and looked forward to finally living on the frontier that was unknown to him. Instructors advise him to go in the direction of command for his natural charm for leadership and grow in that direction. The last year, he followed teachers’ advice and applied for the command division at any assignment.

USS Colombia

In 2399, he got accepted at the USS Columbia as part of the command division. He was there to personally learn from the best and potentially lead some people on exciting away team missions. He had a bunk in the Lower Decks hallway, and his assignments varied daily.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2394 - 2395 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2395 - 2396 Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2396 - 2397 Cadet Social Sciences Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2397 Cadet Social Sciences Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2401 - Present Command Ensign USS Columbia