
Profile Overview

Eshrevi Sh’shiqil

Andorian Shen


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Sh’shiqil


Security Officer
USS Callisto




Eshrevi Sh’shiqil


Laikan, Andoria


Eshrevi Sh’shiqil is an individual who tries to display calm professionalism while experiencing emotions deeply and intensely. Coming from a well-regarded clan and a family disapproving of her Starfleet career, she is struggling with a constant need to prove herself, and channels that into her career, which – thus far – made for a quick ascension through the ranks.


Standing at a height of 5’7”, Eshrevi stands at an average height, which she tries to omit by exuding an air of confidence, with a straight posture and a proud demeanor. True to her Andorian heritage, her skin bears a blue hue, complemented by her white hair.

Since an injury during her first assignment, maintaining the physique expected of a Starfleet officer has become challenging, and requires a strict regiment of physical therapy, exercise and diet.

Consistently presenting herself immaculately, her uniform is always pristine, her boots polished, and her appearance impeccable. The one freedom she takes is her experimentation with different hairstyles, dictated by her morning disposition.

Standing at a height of 5’7”, Eshrevi is of average height, but she carries herself with confidence, standing straight and proud. True to her Andorian heritage, her skin bears a blue hue, complemented by her white hair.

Since an injury during her first assignment, maintaining the physique expected of a Starfleet officer has become challenging, and requires a strict regiment of physical therapy, exercise and diet.

Eshrevi always looks immaculate – her uniform is always pristine, her boots polished – but she takes the freedom of trying out different hairstyles, depending on what she feels like in the morning.


Eshrevi values professionalism, often worrying that people will dislike the passionate and sometimes slightly abrasive person underneath. She is protective of her friends and the family she remains in close contact with, but struggles to form new connections.


Eshrevi’s career started in Andoria, where she from young age on was taught the importance of physical exercise and mental prowess. As it was expected of her, she eventually qualified for one of the prestigious military academies and eventually joined the Imperial Guard in defence of her homeworld and the systems under Andorian protection.

But Eshrevi wasn’t happy. She long harboured the wish to join explorative missions rather than reacting to threats, and in secret studied for the entry exam to Starfleet Academy, which she succeeded on her second attempt.

Her family, who hadn’t known of her plans and were only confronted with it when Eshrevi let them know that she had retired from her already fruitful career, disapproved, and to this day, her fathers haven’t quite forgiven her.