
Profile Overview

Hina Morishita

Human Female


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Morishita




Hina Morishita

July 5th, 2368

Tokyo, Japan


Hina looks average for her age of 33. She stands 5’8″ tall and weights 120lbs. She black hair that goes down to her shoulders and brown eyes. She has a slim build, something she is often thankful for when crawling around in jefferies tubes and other crawl spaces.


Hina could be described as a nerd. She prides herself on being able to quickly understand most problems, and come up with solutions to them. She much prefers the company of a computer terminal and some tools rather than large groups of people, though can at least hold a conversation if needed.


Hina was born in Tokyo, Japan on Earth in 2368, as the child of a pair of engineers shes was exposed at an early age to various forms of technology. During her primary schooling she showed a particular aptitude for engineering and maths, often passing such classes with flying colours. In her spare time she often repaired older pieces of technology, including several pieces of old surplus Starfleet equipment, leaving her with a slight fascination with their technology in particular.

When she came of age, she decided to join Starfleet, intending to become an engineer aboard a starship. Her time at the Academy was filled with verious engineering classes, and much studying, especially given the attack on Utopia Planitia in 2385. Starfleet was in search of more and more engineers to replenish the ranks of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers following the attack. Hina took a particular interest LCARS systems programing, and holography while at the academy, though chose to pursue a more general engineering degree, rather than specializing in any such area.

After graduating from the academy, Hina was assigned to the USS Kongo, an aging Excelsior-class vessel, as a systems engineer. Originally unhappy with the posting, Hina soon found herself in the midst of trying to keep the aging vessel runing in peak condition. So prided herself on trying to rival some of the most advanced vessels in the fleet in systems efficiency, even despite the ships age. This hard work ethic earned her several promotions, with her reaching Lieutenant, soon before the ship was to be deactivated and placed in reserve. Despite her original feelings toward the ship, she now remembers her time aboard it fondly. She currently awaits reassignment to a new posting.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2386 - 2387 Engineering Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2387 - 2388 Engineering Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2388 - 2389 Engineering Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2389 - 2390 Engineering Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2390 - 2394 Systems Engineer USS Kongo
2394 - 2396 Systems Engineer USS Kongo
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2401 Systems Engineer USS Kongo
2401 Engineering Consultant/Acting XO USS Cupertino
2401 - 2402 Systems Engineer USS Valkyrie