
Profile Overview

Cade Ashfield - Created in Midjourney

Cade Ashfield

Human Cisgender man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Ashfield




Cade James Ashfield

1st April 2359



Standing at an even 6 feet, Cade is stocky for his size and as his family runs to being bulky, punishes himself in the gym so he can enjoy desserts on a regular basis.

Premature grey in his hair lends him a distinguished air, and his blue eyes can either be warm or as cold as an arctic winter, depending on his mood.

Cade Ashfield - Created in Midjourney

Cade Ashfield


Cade is a born organiser, so it didn’t surprise anyone when he chose the operations route in the fleet. Methodical and steadfast, he isn’t prone to panic, but he is dedicated, ensuring that he maintained all required training and ratings for a Starfleet officer.

That, and an excellent rating on the firing range, meant that he not only survived Frontier day, but managed to save many lives. The experience profoundly changed him, and he is still dealing with the after-effects, along with the fact he has now found himself on the command path.

Cade is serious and sensible when on duty, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to have fun. He is also excellent at poker, and runs a game night once a week for the senior staff.