
Profile Overview

apb David Strathairn

Martin Stenz

Human Cisgender Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Captain Stenz


Commanding Officer
USS Sagan




Martin Stenz

August 17th, 2339

Seattle, North America; Earth


Retired, returned, retired, returned. This is the ebb and flow of Martin Stenz’ Starfleet career. A middling astrophysicist at the best of times, Martin’s true passion was in teaching, be it cadets, young officers or the youth of the next generation when he retired the first and second time. When the Dominion War devastated Starfleet, experienced officers like Martin returned to do their duty. And once more after the events of Frontier Day. Galavanting across the galaxy might be a young person’s game, but someone needs to show them the ropes first.

And maybe get in a few last discoveries as well.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2401 - Present Commanding Officer USS Sagan NCC-82892