
Profile Overview

Done by Annex

Meila Tris

Trill Tris


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Tris


Starbase Bravo




Meila Epilia Tris




Working as a Physician on Starbase Bravo is everything that she ever wanted. She is able to work with the masses and deal with the with needed. She is capable of working in triage and completing complex surgeries on neurospecies.

Her arrival on the other hand, brings a mystery along with it, why are the Breen hunting her, her former XO and a prisoner that they rescued, and should she bring this up to her CO? It proved to be a risk to the Iroquois.


She is a small framed woman, five foot four inches, 162 centimeters, 121 pounds or 55kg. She wears her hair down, shoulder length and has an upcut on the right side. Dark Brown, often mistaken for Black, her eyes are Hazel but often changes to Green, her spots are feint due to a medical condition not far off from Vitiligo in humans. She has a scar on her leg where she had to pull a piece of deck plating from her leg on the Iroquois’ final voyage.

MILA KUNIS at Universal Pictures' Ted Premiere in Hollywood


Meila is very impulsive, rambunctious but has a good heart. She has an attitude that could clear a room if left unchecked, and has cleared several rooms. But she knows how to get the job done. Focus is not one of her downfalls, and neither is the love for Medicine. She may be unorthodox, but talented.



Early Life

Meila was not a standard child, it might be due to an underlying guilt she felt because her mother died giving birth to her, she was ambitious, aware, and talented when it came to biology. She was advanced while in Grade school, achieving high marks and maintaining multiple multi curricular activities. When she was 16 tragedy struck again when she lost her Father and Brother due to the beginning of the tensions with the Resettlements of the Romulan People.

With the news of the loss of both her brother and father at the Romulan Front, she was destroyed. She did a 360 and entered into the Trill Militia. She worked as a clerk while her friends were in high school. Discipline was something that she was missing on a lot of accounts, but her education and love for science found her mulling over joining the field medic program. It was then and there she found her love for Medicine and committed to it. She quickly moved on, she decided to leave and goto Vulcan where she could pursue the path of Science.

While on Vulcan, she wandered, and fell in love with Science. She applied for Genetics, and Xenobiology, determined to become a doctor. It is not often a pilot applies to be a medic. She passed the interviews with flying colours, and interacted with the Vulcans stoicly. She was accepted.

Upon her graduation her professors recommended her to serve Starfleet. Upon their recommendation she followed suit.

Early Adult Life

Upon Entering the Academy, she felt at home and began her studies. Her studious ways would lead her to lead several practice surgeries and lead several trauma situations. In her fourth year she was stationed in Paris, France after the where in there was a lot of Romulan Refugee’s, rendering its Medical system overran and a mess.

Working with the Triage center she found an injured Starfleeter that no one was helped. Morris was his name, he would later come into her life as a mentor of sorts during Operation-Miller.

She was recalled to Trill as the Symbiont Tris was ready for a host. This is usually a very very happy day celebrated with Family and Friends, but she had very little of both nowadays. All of her family served in Starfleet and were at a distance or passed away and her friends, let’s not go there.

Upon the Joining of the Tris Symbiont, her wild streak returned. Some would say with avengence, while stationed in Paris she was asked to dinner where there happened to be Romulan Sentry on off duty, and she started a brawl, she won of course, but was unable to maintain her composure. Grief stricken she returned to Trill and took some time to learn to control the wurms more impulsive moments.

Trill & The Wurm

Upon her return to Trill she was immediately remitted to the Symbiosis commission, the violent streak in Tris had not been seen since its childhood. Tris was a relatively young wurm, only 2 previous hosts and in its adolescents, it is not known why some symbionts are so aggressive.

Previously Tris had the two hosts, Hish and Rean. Hish, a Gymnast who broke his leg, later turned security officer served a shorter stent and Rean was an Anthro-biologist who specialized in the Borg. Both met a relatively calm ending albeit Hish’s was sooner rather than later, but we cannot control how long we serve.

While there she proceeded into the pools and was led into several meditative trances. In hopes to find out why, eventually leading to not knowing why, but how to control it. She remained at the Starfleet Medical Facility on Trill as it was closest to Cardassian space and wanted to ensure she wouldn’t punch another Romulan.

The True Test would come when there was a D’dredix in orbit requesting medical aid. She was one of the doctor’s on duty, and she proceeded to treat the patients normally. This was a good sign.

USS Iroquois

Her Medical Career Careened to success. Much like a Quantum Torpedo against a hull, it gave her options and flew. It was amazing, this is what she wanted. The Chief Medical Officer Dr. Oroniko was also the Second officer of the ship, so she was busy a lot, as a result Meila was christened the Deputy. She would be responsible for running the medical deck during situations when Dr. Oro wasn’t there, albeit, it was another person and her but it was an honour.

She was promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant, after several instances with Starfleet Security and Starfleet Intelligence, but was able to commit to her Medical Career. Her Exemplary service would prepare her for what would come.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2387 - 2391 Student Vulcan Institute of Science
2391 - 2395 Cadet Starfleet Academy
2395 - 2396 Civilian Recalled to Trill
2396 Operative Operation Miller
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2400 Medical Officer USS Iroquois
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2400 - 2401 Medical Officer USS Iroquois