
Profile Overview

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Gul Yomat Ghallir

Cardassian Male

Character Information

Rank & Address

Civilian Gul Ghallir




Yomat Ghallir is a former Officer of the Cardassian Union Navy and holder of the rank of Gul.

A shrewd and calculating tactician, Gul Yomat Ghallir was notable for his Ultra-Conservative views on Cardassian Sovereignty and his absolute distain for the United Federation of Planets. He is an unapologetic exponent of the Cardassian doctrine of aggressive militaristic expansion and a willing collaborator during the Dominion War.

A vociferous critic of the ‘centrist” Detapa – Council, Yomat was foremost amongst the cadre of military officers that saw the terms of the Treaty of Bajor as the ultimate betrayal of Cardassian sovereignty and their natural right to pursue a policy of territorial expansionism and exercise authoritarian rule.

Disgusted with the inaction of the Central Command and holding the Detapa Council and their lapdogs the Obsidian Order as worse than traitors – in 2399, Gul Yomat Ghallir renounced his commission and oath of loyalty and absconded to become one of the founding voices in the growing insurgency that has come to be known as the ‘True Way.

Since that time, Gul Yomat Ghallir has been linked with several acts of terrorism and piracy throughout the former Demilitarized Zone, most notable a daring raid to ‘liberate’ the Galor – Class Cruiser “Verran” (one of the newer – generation of Cardassian warships).

To the Detapa – Council and the United Federation of Planets, Gul Yomat Ghallir represents a very real and persistent threat. To the forces of the resurgent ‘New Marquis’ “movement, he is the very Devil- himself. But to a growing number of Cardassian Colonists left effectively stateless or under Federation rule by the reorganization of borders in the Former DMZ – Gul Yomat Ghallir is seen as a hero and a freedom – fighter and it is thought that he even has admirers growing within the Central Command – but any consideration of open support remains carefully closeted (for now).