
Profile Overview

Face generated by NightCafe AI, edited by user to include uniform and background from official Paramount sources.

Thalissa Zheen

Andorian Female

Character Information

Rank & Address

Commander Zheen


First Officer
USS Fresno




Thalissa Zheen




Commander Thalissa Zheen is as freshly minted to her rank as her Captain is to his.  She has spent her career speeding up the ranks with an eye on the Captain’s chair and the Fresno is certainly a stepping stone to that goal.  Her regimented style of Command stems from a history of serving as the Chief Security officer of her previous posting, and it was felt that this would bolster that of her Captain as he found his feet in his new position.


Thal certainly fits the martial stereotype that Andorians are known for.  She is built like an Amazon, strong and lithe from constant exercise and training.  With her new rank she opted to change her habits up and let her darker blue hair fall down to frame a face of teal rather than keep it tightly pulled back in a ponytail as she had for many years before.  Its color also reflects a departure from its original white, although this particular alteration had been made long ago.  A frigid gaze that matches the most icy of Andorian tundras served her well during her prior posting in Security and she finds herself wearing it like comfortable, old leather.

Face generated by NightCafe AI, edited by user to include uniform and background from official Paramount sources.


Thalissa Zheen has spent her entire career establishing a reputation as a “hardass”.  She once overheard a junior officer describe her as “having a resting bitch face that would rival a Vulcan.”  The truth of the matter is that she takes her career very seriously and has her eye on the prize, as it were.  She doesn’t plan to stop until she has a center seat aboard a ship of her own.  But she also recognizes that the very thing that propelled her career forward thus far could potentially hold her back.  As First Officer, her responsibility is to bridge the gap between Captain and crew.  In order to perform that role well, she needs to strike a balance between a firm hand on the one side, while still being approachable on the other hand.  Thalissa feels she has a handle on the “firm” aspect, and she must now work on ensuring that the crew would still be comfortable coming to her.  This rebalancing was responsible for her decision in her change of hairstyle, as she felt it might offset the ‘resting Vulcan face’ as it were.  It might sound like a minor, insignificant thing to many.  But Thalissa’s nature has also been one to nitpick all the little details in her commitment to excellence.  She will do whatever she needs to rank up short of compromising her honor.


Thalissa grew up on the Andorian moon of her homeworld, the only daughter in her household among three younger brothers.  She was the older protective sister, the responsible one.  This mindset was certainly an early influence that contributed to her choice in career as it had her playing the role of stern disciplinarian, mediator, and protector as she helped her parents raise up her younger siblings.  Hearing tales of unknown and long-dead relatives who served in the old pre-Federation Imperial Guard reinforced the sort of reverent view for military service that was so standard of her people.  The combination of all these elements led her to choose the more militant path of security when she was old enough to apply for Starfleet.

She put her head to the grindstone and excelled at her studies at the Academy.  Once she graduated and took the rank of ensign, she rapidly climbed the ranks until she made lieutenant commander and inherited the posting of chief tactical and security officer.  She was content to allow this climb to plateau for a while.  Her ship wasn’t a significant one, the Vendetta was a Freedom-class scout that focused largely on patrolling minor spacelanes enforcing customs regulations and rendering assistance to traveling vessels within the scope of her patrol route.  But the crew was an extended family, and the nature of Vendetta’s assignment gave her role a large scope of responsibility.

It wasn’t until her final year as Chief of Security aboard the Vendetta that she gave any real thought of transferring to command.  She had built up her reputation as a steely hardliner, iron-fisted in ensuring that everything and everyone operated to the letter of regulations and gave their peak performance.  But the captain of the Vendetta also recognized her protectiveness of the officers under her command and saw the lengths she would go through to help them along the path of their own careers despite the way she kept her subordinates at an arms length when it came to forming friendships.  It was he who pointed out that her approach with her people were qualities that basically defined what it meant to be in command.  He eventually convinced her to pursue the path, and was instrumental in helping her secure her current position as Fresno’s first officer.  Now that she has this new goalpost set in her career, she plans on using her time aboard the Fresno to eventually leverage a command of her own.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2383 - 2384 Security Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2384 - 2385 Security Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2385 - 2386 Security Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2386 - 2387 Security Cadet USS Ascension
2387 - 2388 Security Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2388 - 2391 Security Officer USS Vendetta
2391 - 2393 Security Officer USS Vendetta
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2393 - 2395 Security Officer USS Vendetta
2395 - 2401 Chief of Security
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Vendetta
Lieutenant Commander
2401 - Present Executive Officer USS Fresno