Jetta Dowe: A well known diplomat, fantastic stand up comedy artist, and a stellar nail artist. Lover of pink, once a fashion icon and model before joining starfleet. Prodigy in her fields, seemingly weaving her way through the ranks–now a starship Captain for the first time. Ooh, how exciting!
It doesn’t take much to see that despite what your first impressions of her are, Jetta is a brilliant mind who refuses to back down from something when she has her mind set on it: even if it may make her look a bit silly. No matter what it may be, though, she’s happy to lend an ear and refuses to leave anyone in her crew behind: even going as far to learn as many crew members names as she can!
Standing at five foot eleven, Jetta always has her hair back in two large braids, with a few loose strands hanging out. She has dark blue eyes, and a somewhat athletic build. She always has her nails all done nicely, and some form of bling in her ears. Not once has Jetta been seen with eyebags–even when things get really stressful.
She has an almost airheaded feel when around her (barr when she actually gets serious), with a kind smile and coffee in one hand at all times.
Jetta, to most, seems like she wouldn’t be fit to be a captain. A bit laid back, chatting with the whole crew and inquiring about every little thing–she even loves to play matchmaker from time to time (in a respectful and moderate manner).
But underneath that persona is a calculating and passionate person who cares very deeply for her crew and people around her. Ever since Starfleet saved her father, she’s been nothing but determined to do the same thing for hundreds and hundreds of people: make a change in the world, and be the change she wants to see.
March 3rd, 2381
Born to Joseph Dowe and Meave Dowe on July 8th, 2367, Jetta Dowe was a bright and happy child who loved anything and everything explorative. Meave was a writer, and Joseph worked in Starfleet academy as a professor in Philosophy.
Her childhood was, in all respects, a great one! But not very eventful. Not until she was fourteen.
Whilst attending one of her fathers lectures on a bring-your-child-to-work day, he had a medical emergency. Not knowing what to do, Jetta had to call out for help and wait for someone else to aide her dying parent–that feeling of helplessness stuck. But what else stuck was starfleet. Up until that point in her life, she had her sights set on different career paths: but seeing the hope she got from her father turning out okay, how quickly everyone jumped into action, how much they cared…it set her sights on a new mission:
Become Captain.
Starfleet Academy ( 2384 – 2391 )
Having already been a good study (and nepo powers, thanks Mr. Dowe!) Jetta was able to begin her studies just a tad bit early, but not by much. She was only 17 for a week before turning eighteen, making her start her first week at Starfleet Academy as a seventeen year old.
Despite this, Jetta showed plenty of promise: when outside of class, she was the aloof airheaded girl everyone knew. In class, however? She was a strong voice and unstoppable force, with a spirit that seemingly just couldn’t be broken.
During the Romulan Supernova, opinions we’re sure diverse: Jetta was on the side of helping as many people as possible. She was only more outraged when hearing about the ban on synethic life forms–it almost made her quit. But alas, Ms. Dowe went on. The rest of her academy life was, while fun, not that eventful. But she was voted most likely to become a captain among her peers!
USS Southern (2392-2395)
Jetta joined the USS Southern right after she graduated, stepping straight into operation and diplomatic work. She seemed to flourish on the bridge, with her quick eye and knowledge in Poli-Sci & Interstellar relations proving useful in a handful of situations. Especially during multiple cyber attacks and terrorist bombings on fellow ships or the Rhea herself.
Jetta proved herself not only witty in these situations, but also reliable. Most notably, she helped save the ship from completely suffocating everyone by shutting down a especially violent cyber attack in 2394.
USS New Centeral (2396-2401)
With the promise of more hands-on approaches in her future for her acts on the USS Southern, Jetta was transferred to the USS New Centeral in 2396. The Parliament class seemed to be focused on defensive and border operations, giving Jetta a taste of what exactly she was looking for: the chance to protect and help others. The Centeral on a multitude of occasions run into some unsightly forces, and Jetta helps diligently and happily in every single situation.
During the Cardassian Economic Crisis in 2398, Jetta notably is still on the side of peace and finding the best solution for everyone.
During the Frontier Day Celebration Attack, Jetta is one of many who work effectively and hastily to help the ones affected by the Borg attacks. She saves a few lives and contributes the best she can to aiding the situation. Her bravery and work there shines light on Jetta, and she’s awarded a promotion to Captain. The heavy loss of Starfleet Officers and devastation after is real, and they need her now…
…and she couldn’t be happier.
USS Morro Bay (2041 – Present)
Jetta’s story and adventure is just beginning on her new California Class, the USS Morro Bay. Accompanied with her crew, what awaits her is unknown. But whatever it may be, she’s up for the challenge.
Service Record
Date | Position | Posting | Rank |
2384 - 2385 | Interstellar Relations & Political Science Cadet | Starfleet Academy |
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2386 - 2387 | Interstellar Relations & Political Science Cadet | Starfleet Academy |
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2388 - 2389 | Interstellar Relations & Political Science Cadet | Starfleet Academy |
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2390 - 2392 | Interstellar Relations & Political Science Cadet | Starfleet Academy |
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2392 - 2394 | Ensign | USS Rhea |
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2394 - 2395 | Operations Officer | USS Rhea |
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2395 - 2397 | Chief Operations Officer | USS Nassau |
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2397 - 2401 | Executive Officer | USS Nassau |
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2401 - Present | Captain | USS Morro Bay |
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