
Profile Overview

Plimmitt Ruuvon

Saurian Could care less


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Commander Ruuvon


Chief Engineering Officer
USS Morro Bay


Plimmitt K. Ruuvon

October 24th, 2369






Keeping to himself, seemingly never a fan of taking charge, and currently reading a book as we speak, Plimmit is almost a sort of character trope; he’s just missing the glasses. Plimmit runs a small bookclub with a few members, likes to garden in his spare time in the holodeck, and even enjoys some light conversation when he’s had a drink or two.

He’s the chief engineer for The USS Morro Bay, having of been there for about 4 years now. Plimmit is pretty great at what he does.


Standing at a whopping six foot ten inches, Plimmit is a beanpoll of a Saurian. He seems to be on the more lanky and scrawny side of the spectrum when it comes to body mass and weight, but it is known he can pack a mean mean punch. Plimmit seems to have an almost light purple/violet skin tone, with his markings all an orange-ish red.


A little awkward and not knowing what to say in most situations, Plimmitt, this Saurian seems to find himself in a pretty consistent state of peacefulness–considering he’s mostly only talked too when it’s needed. Granted, he and his bookclub have some friends! But it’s rather hard to get a good conversation out of him majority of the time. Unless you speak to him about books, of course.

Oh well. At least he means well.



Plimmitt was adopted by his two mothers, Yuuvelle and Maryinne Ruuvon when he was just a baby. His family had passed away in an unfortunate accident early in his life.

Plimmitt had four siblings–all who were much older than him–so he was surely the baby. He kept to himself, loves his parents very dearly, and has an endless amount of love for literature.

His childhood was good and he was well fed. He left for earth when 17, and joined the academy when 18. In the meantime, he had stayed in Chicago for a year to work on cars and other machinery–thanks to his parents knowing a guy.

Starfleet Academy ( 2387 -2392 )

Plimmitt’s starfleet academy experience was…uneventful. That’s the way to put it.
He stayed out of any conflict possible–kept his opinions to himself–and simply silently surpassed some students. He was never the perfect A+ student in diplomatic relations, but he was a damn good astropyshics student. He graduated and went straight to Starbase Bravo after as a techinican.

Starbase Bravo ( 2392 – 2393 )

Starbase Bravo to Plimmitt was a stepping stone. He went in, he did the work, he got out. It was uneventful and the Saurian left as soon as he came.

USS Miluwakee ( 2393 – 2396 )

A bit more eventful, Plimmit was an Engineering Officer on the USS Aelous, with a bit of work cut out for him. Since they were in a bit of a staffing crisis–but no resources able to be given for a few months–the saurian was doing a lot more work than he should’ve. But alas, he persisted–eventually deciding to take his leave after a large raid and attack of the ship sees it narrowly surviving: alongside it’s crew. Whilst he was promoted, he didn’t want to stay.

USS Morro Bay ( 2396 – Present )

Taking leave after covert terrorist and cyber attacks plummeted down on the Aelous, Plimmit found himself enjoying his time on the Morro Bay. Throughout his time there he’s seemingly settled down, creating a small bookclub and getting into a good rythm and understanding with the crew and the ships function. But the new Captain and her very social ways prove very dangerous to that delicate balance.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2387 - 2388 Astrophysics Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Freshman Grade
2389 - 2390 Astrophysics Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2390 - 2391 Astrophysics Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Junior Grade
2391 - 2392 Astrophysics Cadet Starfleet Academy
Cadet Senior Grade
2392 - 2393 Ensign Starbase Bravo
2393 - 2396 Engineering Officer USS Miluwakee
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2396 - 2399 Engineering Officer USS Morro Bay
2399 - Present Chief Engineering Officer USS Morro Bay
Lieutenant Commander