
Profile Overview

Liam Dahlgren

Human Cisgender Man


Character Information

Rank & Address

Admiral Dahlgren


Deputy Commander, Fourth Fleet
Bravo Fleet Command


Liam Vilhelm Dahlgren

November 16th, 2348 (Age 53)

Stockholm, Sweden, Earth


Admiral Liam Dahlgren is a Starfleet flag officer currently serving within Fourth Fleet Command. Starting his career during the Dominion War as a helmsman, he attained his first command at age 30 and reached flag rank by age 44, which is reflective of not only his personal ambition but his success in achieving his goals. He is charming, personable, and extremely competent—but this belies a willingness to get down in the trenches to fight dirty; many of his colleagues have underestimated his talent for palace intrigue at their peril.

In 2396, Dahlgren earned his third star and became Director of Ninth Fleet Operations. Two years later, he became that fleet’s Deputy Commander. In 2400, he accepted a lateral shift to Deputy Commander of the Fourth Fleet, widely recognized as the most prestigious and wide-reaching fleet in Starfleet, for the chance to have wider influence in Starfleet and the Federation. Following the Sundered Wings Campaign in mid-2400, he was promoted to admiral.

Dahlgren has been married three times and has four children by his two ex-wives. He married his third spouse, and first husband, Marius Robinson-Dahlgren, a university professor, in 2394. His sons. Liam, (Born 2385, Age 15) and Elijah (Born 2387, Age 12), and twin daughters, Rose and Daisy (born 2390, Age 9), each live with their mothers.


At 182 centimeters tall and weighing 90 kilograms, Dahlgren is tall, muscular, and conventionally attractive. Though he is in his early fifties, his skincare regimen and exercise routine shave several years off of his apparent age for most people, something that he prides himself on. After all, his goal isn’t just to be the youngest fleet admiral in history, but to look the part as well.


A consummate politician, Admiral Dahlgren is as talented as he is ambitious, a rare match of circumstances. He is extremely popular with his subordinates and superiors, but among his equals, he is known for his ability to get down in the trenches to grapple with the realities of high office through a combination of favors, pressure, and networking. Dahlgren is quiet realistic about his virtues and vices, as well as his strengths and weaknesses. Both a vice and a weakness has been his ability to stay interested in his romantic relationships, as he has now been married three separate times. He is well aware that this is due to his personal ambition, as he will almost always put his duty to Starfleet before his family, but he feels as though he has struck a good balance with his husband, Marius, as they both have their own distinct careers and have enough of an age difference to have a need for independence anyway.


Early Life

Liam Dahlgren was born in Stockholm in 2348, the son of two career members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps, Oscar and Astrid. As his parents ascended to the higher echelons of their career path, they were often posted to different worlds from one another, while Dahlgren was left on Earth with his grandparents. He often spent a few months of the year during school holidays with them, though, and by the time he was in secondary school, he’d visited 16 Federation planets. While he enjoyed the visits, he was fascinated by the starships he was transported on, especially when a Starfleet vessel was tasked with the mission. During the early 2360s, he was often assigned a protective detail, and he began to bond with the officers assigned to guard him on his trips, which made him seriously consider joining Starfleet.

Dahlgren was always above-average in height and signed himself up for every sport available. He was popular and charismatic, but not exactly a serious student. With his parents blessing, he enrolled in the Starfleet Academy Preparatory Program, and it was a very rude awakening to the rigors of Starfleet service. He nearly washed out his first year, but he pushed himself as hard into his studies as he did into his athletics, earning his graduation with distinction and a place at Starfleet Academy in 2367.

Education & Early Career

Starfleet Academy

Liam Dahlregn entered Starfleet Academy in the same year that over 11,000 lives were lost at the hands of the Borg at Wolf 359. His entire class of cadets knew that they may one day also be called upon to defend the Federation, and this culture influenced Dahlgren’s decision to study astronautics—he wanted to be at the helm of a starship if that threat ever came back.

USS Dauntless

Dahlgren’s first posting out of Starfleet Academy was aboard the Galaxy-class explorer Dauntless, where he served from 2371 to 2376 as a flight control officer with increasing amounts of responsibility across that five-year assignment. Joining just before the Dominion War, Dahlgren had a scant few years to experience service aboard a Starfleet vessel in times of peace before being thrust into combat. Ambitious and talented, he received a promotion to lieutenant junior grade in just a year and became the youngest senior staff member on the Dauntless. By the end of the war, he was a full lieutenant.

USS Avenger

The year after the war, Dahlgren was promoted to lieutenant commander and assigned as the first officer aboard the Defiant-class starship Avenger under Commander Aubrey Seagraves. He found working under Seagraves to be much more difficult than his prior commanders, as she had zero tolerance for “equine excrement,” as she put it. This was positive for Dahlgren’s career growth, though, as he was forced to defend his decisions on logic on facts, rather than simply falling back on his charisma.

USS Achilles

Dahlgren joined the crew of the prototype destroyer Achilles in 2378, which was significantly larger than Avenger but had similar cramped quarters and an emphasis on tactical power. Throughout his tenure here, Achilles was assigned to patrol the Cardassian border. Dahlgren was one of the last ones off the ship when Achilles and the rest of her class were placed into mothballs, in recognition of a newly-peaceful galaxy.

Starship Captain

USS Athena

Continuing his service on advanced tactically-oriented vessels, Dahlgren was promoted to captain and granted command of the starship Athena, one of the first twelve Prometheus-class heavy escorts to be constructed. Tasked with a five-year mission, Dahlgren commanded Athena on a series of deep space threat assessment assignments past Romulan space to assess the spread of threats identified by Voyager, including the Borg, Hirogen, and Kazon, though it made contact with none of these species in its long-range patrols.

USS Ramilles

Dahlgren assumed command of the Sovereign-class exploratory cruiser Ramilles in 2385. Still a rarity in the fleet, this large and powerful ship was a significant step up in prestige for him. Ramilles had the distinction of serving as the flagship for the Ninth Fleet for much of Dahlgren’s tenure in command. Dahlgren retained command after his promotion to fleet captain, with the added responsibility of Commander, Task Group 910. He again kept personal command of the vessel as a commodore and Commander, Task Force 91.

Flag Officer

Ninth Fleet

As a rear admiral, Dahlgren assumed command of Starbase 27 in 2394. Along with this appointment, he was simultaneously Commander of the Archanis Sector and Commander, Task Force 27. This appointment to a border station came with significant challenges, due in no small part to the aging nature of the Spacedock I-class station itself. Dahlgren was noted for conducting numerous joint exercises with the Klingons, however, which solidified his reputation as someone who was able to get things done politically.

Following just two years on the border, Dahlgren was promoted to vice admiral and became Director of Ninth Fleet Operations, where he was responsible for all field deployments, command assignments, and general operational decision-making on behalf of the fleet admiral.

Fourth Fleet

Dahlgren, still a vice admiral, was selected as the Deputy Fourth Fleet Commander in 2399, and was promoted the next year to admiral.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2367 - 2368 Astronautics Cadet Starfleet Academy, San Francisco
Cadet Freshman Grade
2368 - 2369 Astronautics Cadet Starfleet Academy, San Francisco
Cadet Sophomore Grade
2369 - 2370 Astronautics Cadet Starfleet Academy, San Francisco
Cadet Junior Grade
2370 - 2371 Astronautics Cadet Starfleet Academy, San Francisco
Cadet Senior Grade
2371 - 2372 Relief Flight Control Officer USS Dauntless (NCC-71879)
Galaxy-class explorer
2372 - 2374 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Dauntless (NCC-71879)
Galaxy-class explorer
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2374 - 2376 Chief Flight Control Officer USS Dauntless (NCC-71879)
Galaxy-class explorer
2376 - 2378 Executive Officer USS Avenger (NCC-74206)
Defiant-class escort
Lieutenant Commander
2378 - 2380 Executive Officer USS Achilles (NCC-78250)
Achilles-class destroyer
2380 - 2385 Commanding Officer USS Athena (NCC-74917)
Prometheus-class heavy escort
2385 - 2394 Commanding Officer USS Ramillies (NCC-75512)
Sovereign-class exploratory cruiser
2390 - 2392 Commander Task Group 910
Fleet Captain
2392 - 2394 Commander Task Force 91
2394 - 2396 Commanding Officer
Sector Commander
Task Force Commander
Starbase 27
Archanis Sector
Task Force 27
Rear Admiral
2396 - 2398 Director of Operations Ninth Fleet
Vice Admiral
2398 - 2400 Deputy Commander Ninth Fleet
Vice Admiral
2400 Deputy Commander Fourth Fleet
Vice Admiral
2400 - Present Deputy Commander Fourth Fleet