
Profile Overview

Mara Sladi

Bajoran FEMALE

Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Mara



Mara Inges Sladi



Mara Sladi was Chief of Security for the USS Kelvin before joining the crew of the USS Ascension as Chief of Security and Tactical. Mara Sladi is viewed as a bit of a difficult officer as she is gruff and to the point and sometimes sarcastic. She hopes to gain a promotion to Lieutenant Commander aboard the USS Ascension and has her eye on her own ship one day. Lieutenant Mara Sladi is very serious about her job and her duties on board of the USS Ascension. She is very serious about her job and desires others to follow her commands that are within her command. She is a strong personality, often coming across as direct and cheerless.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2371 - 2372 Cadet at Starfleet Academy Security Specialty
2372 - 2373 Cadet at Starfleet Academy Security Specialty
2373 - 2374 Cadet at Starfleet Academy Security Specialty
2374 - 2375 Cadet at Starfleet Academy Security Specialty
2375 - 2380 Security Officer Deep Space 9
2380 - 2383 Assistant Chief of Security Starbase 118
2383 - 2389 Chief of Security USS Kelvin
2389 - Present Chief of Security USS Ascension