Part of Starbase Bravo: Asteroid City and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Operation: Space Shepherds!

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Excitement and apprehension surged in the pit of Dawa’s stomach, the warring emotions crashing against each other like waves.

There, on the long-range sensors, was a small pip-like dot labeled “Gomthree”: the space-borne creature that had come to call the Paulson Nebula and its surrounding environs home. It was–for all intents and purposes–a space whale. Dawa was more than a little fascinated by it and had come closer than ever to going back to Starfleet Academy and switching to the Science Division just for a chance to study it. Soon, she’d approach it more closely than few had ever done.

That was where the excitement came in. The apprehension came from the circumstances that had finally allowed her this chance; all hell was breaking loose in the Mellstoxx system.

“Hmm, ‘hell’, ‘underworld’, ‘underspace’?” Dawa typed her thoughts into the personal file on her PADD. It might make for a pithy journal quote later. As far as the assembled flight ops crew was concerned, she was making a note for the meeting that would commence as soon as their last member arrived.

Finally, the door whispered open with a soft whoosh, revealing a figure on the threshold. Lieutenant Junior Grade Cam Solari stepped into the room, his lips curved in a wide smile that reached his bright blue eyes. His uniform, crisply pressed, his badge, shining proudly on his chest. As he entered, he glanced around the room, taking in the faces of his colleagues with a quick, appraising sweep.

“So… it turns out the Golden Apple is pretty far from this briefing room,” Cam remarked, his tone light and teasing, breaking the silence that hung in the air.

As Cam moved toward an empty seat, a low murmur of annoyance rippled through the group. At the front of the room, a Bolian officer, his azure skin rippling with irritation, spoke up. “You know, it would be nice to start a briefing without waiting on Sunshine,” he grumbled, his voice laced with impatience.

Cam’s smile widened, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Well, that’s true Wildcard, yet, it more than compensates for all the time I spent waiting for you ‘out there‘,” he retorted, his words carrying a playful edge as he settled into his seat.

“That’s enough, children.” Dawa stood and leaned over the table, pressing her hands into its surface as she emphasized the last word. “The second the last butt hits the seat is the second we start the briefing.”

She glared at Modaw, the Bolian wildcard, because she knew that if she locked eyes with Cam at that moment she’d only start snickering.

The crew at the table straightened their backs and focused their attention, each trying to convey that they were well aware of the butts-in-seats rule and were ready to begin.

“Alright.” She stood straight and shined a holo-pointer at the projection hovering over their table. “You all receive regular bulletins about the local entity Gomthree and its migration patterns, so you already know that it will be passing our way soon. You may have also noticed the massive spatial disruption that’s appeared near Mellstoxx III,” she said in a pointedly deadpan tone.

The projection lit up with a swarm of bright dots, including one large pip-shaped dot labeled ‘Gomthree’. Near Mellstoxx III was a vortex that represented the so-called ‘Underspace aperture’. Most of the bright dots on the map were moving away from it. 

A few, Gomthree included, were approaching it.

“White Squadron will approach the aperture as a unit, but Section T1-Alpha will set up a holding pattern outside the aperture with the probes that the astrometrics department is sending along.”

Their squad appeared as silver blips on the screen, splitting into two groups just as Dawa described.

“Section T1-Beta will follow and record the movements of Gomthree, and ensure that other craft in the area stay well away from the creature. It may be in tune with this phenomenon in ways that we can’t imagine… or it may be just as confused as we are. We are under orders to do whatever it takes to prevent it from coming to harm without risking the lives of ourselves or our allies.”

Dawa gave them all a moment to skim over the details before she continued. “Any questions so far?”

Cam’s hand shot up like a rocket, his eyes alight with a spark of curiosity and excitement. Leaning forward, he couldn’t contain the eagerness in his voice as he spoke. “Yes!” he interjected, his words bursting forth before anyone else could respond. “Isn’t it some kind of ship? Couldn’t we just board it, strap in, and steer it away??” His gaze darted around the room, searching for validation of his impulsive idea, his imagination already soaring with possibilities.

“Solari, I’m almost disappointed that you don’t think I would’ve already suggested that if it were possible,” Dawa answered with some levity. “From what I’ve read, Gomthree is just a kid by its species’ standards. When the Babylon encountered it, it was hardly able to create a single chamber, let alone a control panel. We have no evidence to suggest it’s learned how to do that in the past few months. I’d love an opportunity to teach it how, but we don’t even speak its language.”

She shrugged in sympathy as Cam subtly deflated.

As the team strode onto the flight deck, the metallic tang of engine grease filled the air, mingling with the soft whirring of machinery. Cam’s footsteps echoed against the metal floor as he quickened his pace, his gaze fixed on his commanding officer ahead. With a few determined strides, he closed the distance, his breaths shallow with anticipation.

Leaning in close, he caught her attention, his voice barely a murmur amidst the ambient sounds of the deck. “So,” he said, his words barely audible over the hum of the ship, “If we’re herding it, isn’t it more like a space cow instead of a space whale?”

Dawa chuckled. “I know you’re being facetious, but I read that there’s an aquatic species under observation in the Typhon sector that actually does herd whales,” she said, giving him a nudge for his troubles.

“Alright, Rangers!” Dawa raised her voice so that it carried through the hangar. “We’re out the door in five!”