Part of Starbase Bravo: Bravo Without Borders

Whispers of Wisdom (Part 2)

Starbase Bravo (Counselors room)
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As Thrala remained in Lieutenant el-Imam's office, the passage of time seemed to blur as their conversation unfolded. What had initially started as an emotionally charged discussion about life's challenges gradually transformed into something more akin to a heartfelt exchange between friends.

With each shared anecdote and personal revelation, Thrala sensed a genuine connection forming between them. Lieutenant el-Imam's empathetic demeanor and understanding nature created an atmosphere of trust, allowing Thrala to open up in ways she hadn't anticipated.

Their rapport had deepened as they had both heavily delved into shared experiences and mutual interests, discovering a common ground that had began to bridge the gap between their professional roles. What had initially began as a session for Thrala to just air out some of her mental pain and grievances had evolved into genuine exchange of camaraderie and support, which had left Thrala feeling very grateful for the unexpected connection that she had began to form in the midst of extreme adversity.

“So to continue on …” Looking at her notes, Arwa smiled softly and then looked at Thrala. “What would you say is a strength and weakness of yourself? Can you name two and why?” Arwa waited for her to answer the question. Thrala sat back in her chair, cradling a cup of replicated tea she had prepared moments ago. As she pondered Lieutenant el-Imam's question, her mind then drifted back to her days at the Academy, a time filled with challenges and future career aspirations. 

One particular memory that had stood out to her very vividly was the Kobayashi Maru exam. It was a trial by fire designed to test cadets' decision-making under extreme pressure. Thrala had then recalled the whole gambit of nerves and emotions that she had felt when taking the exam upon stepping onto that simulated bridge, surrounded by her fellow cadets and her friend Maya. Thrala had held some regrets that day for not doing certain things that she believed would have been just for the training scenario and she had also recalled putting up one hell of a fight alongside her friend as they had bravely crossed the border that would had violated the rule within the scenario as they barreled through countless Romulan vessels in order to make their way toward the Kobayashi Maru. 

Upon arrival to the failing vessel she had recalled having saved fifty lives aboard that day before her simulated vessel had gone up in flames. However despite this she had recalled feeling oddly proud of herself having gone through the exam as she had felt that it had given her the experience needed to better understand what would lay ahead for her when she would finally be ready to take helm of her own assigned federation starship.

Having finally gotten out of her head Thrala would then take a sip out of the replicated tea cup, she would then slightly smile. “I think that I would describe myself as being very disciplined and detail heavy regarding my work that I have done so far throughout my time at the Academy. I know that some of my results on some of the holodeck sims don't really display that unfortunately. But however I do feel like I did one hell of a great job during the examination that I had done for the Kobayashi Maru, for some reason on that day I feel as though something just changed inside of me and I was fully able to carry out my job until the bitter end of the mission which obviously ended in my crew and I getting obliterated.” She would then take a short pause and recall some more details of the day that she had taken the exam, “Although somewhere in the middle of the mission I remembered just shutting down almost in a catatonic state due the heavy amount of pressure that I had felt when making certain choices during the exam, which I feel to be a weakness that I feel that I need to personally address and work on in the future.”

Leaning back in her chair, Arwa said, “Ahh, the Kobayashi, that brings out some memories,” in a nostalgic tone. Do you know what the original goal of that simulation is?” Arwa looked at Thrala. It is to test the ability to make correct judgment calls under high pressure in a very difficult situation. No one will blame you if you fail the test, there is no success in that ….cruel exam" Arwa smirks a bit at the last two words.

She leans a bit forward. “But as a counselor, I take a different perspective on it. Starfleet wants to know how you are, what you are, and what makes you tick. Questions that can't be answered on paper or any exam. Sure, you get a wide view of the skills you hard-earned over those four years, but can you go out there and do what needs to be done? The Kobayashi is, in my fair opinion, designed for that. To test your mental capacity. Will you freeze, will you run, or will you fight to put everything you have learned into action in a split second”

Thrala had began to intently listen on to Lieutenant el-Imam's perspective, her words deeply resonating with her. As the counselor leaned forward, Thrala had felt a renewed sense of focus, recognizing the full gravity of what was being discussed .

“Its very true”, Thrala responded thoughtfully, her gaze perfectly meeting her counselor's. “The Kobayashi Maru isn't really just about about testing our technical skills and such- it's about probing fully our resilience, our adaptability in the face of the unknown and unwinnable scenarios that we will all have to inevitably face in our careers in Starfleet. Can we make the tough decisions that nobody else wants to make when lives are on the line? Can we lead with true conviction and clarity, in the midst of complete and utter chaos?”  

She then paused, reflecting on the lessons that she had learned during the exam. “Its a trial of character as much as it is competence. And though the outcome may be already predetermined, it's our response that ultimately defines us as Starfleet officers.” Thrala would then quietly get up from her chair to fetch herself another replicated cup of tea from the replicator, and then quickly returned to her seat. While in the back of her mind she had hoped that some of what she had just shared with the counselor had also rang true for her as well.

Giving a brief nod to Thrala “Lets continue, because I can talk for hours about this subject” Arwa admitted and looked at her PADD “You are a cadet, with promising records and talents. But how do you feel about this? Do you feel it is justified?” 

Thrala acknowledged Arwa's nod with a slight smile, appreciating the counselor's eagerness to delve deeper into the conversation. As Arwa expressed her willingness to continue, Thrala took another sip from her tea, the warmth of the liquid soothing against the backdrop of their discussion.

"Well, I believe it's absolutely necessary," Thrala responded thoughtfully, setting down her cup. "The Kobayashi Maru isn't just a simulation—it's a crucible, a test of character and resolve. It forces us to confront the harsh realities of command, to make split-second decisions with far-reaching consequences."

She paused, a somber note entering her voice. “Cheating the simulation, as Admiral Kirk famously did, only deprives us of the invaluable lessons it offers. We can't save everyone, no matter how much we may wish otherwise. Loss is an inevitable part of our line of work—a bitter truth that the Kobayashi Maru lays bare.”

Thrala's gaze met Arwa's, her expression resolute. "Facing that truth head-on, learning to navigate it with grace and integrity—that's what truly prepares us for the challenges that lie ahead in Starfleet." Despite having heard many great things of Admiral James T. Kirk she wasn't too fond of a good portion of the choices that he had made throughout his career seeing him more as one of those cowboys from those old mid-western shows from earths past that she had heard so much about from her other peers at the Academy. 

Feeling the need to express her thoughts on the famous Starfleet officer she thought it wise to slightly veer the conversation to mention the preferred captain that she wanted to follow the example of.  “ I believe that me sharing this has just made it blatantly obvious of my personal thoughts on the Admiral.” Thrala would lightly chuckle to herself as she continued on with her point, in very recent history I personally preferred the way that both Picard and Admiral Janeway had ran both of their respective starships but that's just me, she would lightly stir her tea with a spoon that she had also replicated.

Nodding, “That is a good in-depth look at how you look at it, but it was not quite what I was looking for.” She taps her chin while thinking for a brief moment. And nods to herself. “Let me rephrase that question: your being assigned to Starbase Bravo is based on your talents and skill set. This base gives cadets the chance to outshine themselves,” Arwa explained calmly. “How are you different from all the other cadets? What future do you have in mind within Starfleet?”

Thrala would then look up into the ceiling and scratch her head, pondering the counselors question. “Well, I feel like I've got an immaculate work ethic and am really good on my engineering craft that I've studied heavily during my stay at the Academy. Despite some of the other minor setbacks that I've already discussed with you I believe that with proper focus and determination on my end goal will completely rid me of some of the stress that I've got on my shoulders." She would then look back down at her tea and would lightly stir it once again in an attempt to not come off as being slightly anxious, Thrala would then look back up at the counselor. “If I am unable to ever get the position aboard a Starship as a captain, I'll simply strive to become a chief engineer on board whichever Starfleet ran base or ship that there is out there in the Federation. My mother had served a great deal during the Dominion War and a little bit longer after that and had eventually become a captain so if I had ever had the chance to reach her level of prowess within the federation that would be the greatest honor of all time."

War was, on paper, a fast-track promotion rollercoaster in both a good and bad sense. Arwa was quite aware of this and saw the outcome of the Lost Fleet invasion, the trickery of the changeling's plot during Frontier Day, and the aftermath of the Borg's sudden appearance. Arwa looked at Thrala and knew she had a person in front of her with a bright future ahead of her, but… Taking a deep breath, Arwa smiled in Thrala's direction. “Well, that concludes the regular entrance checkup. You have to do it when being assigned to any new location. Do you have any questions?”

Thrala finished her tea and set the cup down, a warm smile graced her lips. Despite her initial reservations about the entrance checkup, Thrala found herself surprisingly engaged in the conversation, grateful for the opportunity to connect with Arwa on a deeper level.

"I appreciate the thoroughness of the checkup," Thrala responded, her tone sincere. "And I'm grateful for the chance to discuss these matters with you." She paused, considering Arwa's question before shaking her head. "No questions for now, but I'm sure they'll come up as I settle into my new assignment here at Starbase Bravo."

With a newfound resolve burning within her, Thrala rose from her seat, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with determination and purpose. As she bid farewell to Arwa, she carried with her a sense of optimism for the bright future that awaited her within Starfleet. As she had said her goodbyes, she would then make her way out of Lieutenant el-Imams office and be met with the hustle and bustle of Starbase Bravo once again and had then begun to make her way over back to her assigned section within the base itself.

Sitting back down in her chair, she saw the door close and a soft smile appeared on Arwa face. These talents are rare these days, but quite wanted and it should be treated with care. Arwa tapped onto her personal computer and approved the checkup of Thrala. “May you find your luck among the stars cadet” She mutters to herself.