Part of USS Galileo: Escape and USS Galileo: The Nexus Within – M1

Escape – 1

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Maxwell tapped his combadge and said, “Lieutenant Garcia, have the warp core working as soon as possible.”

~ This should be the logical choice of action. I am still able to give commands and I’m not that injured. With the commander’s skill in engineering she should prove valuable in having the warp core fixed in no time. ~

Turning to his number one, Maxwell looked and said, “Commander, do go down there and be of assistance. I’m sure you know what to do, I will keep things running from here while you have the warp core fixed as soon as possible. I don’t want to stay for long.”

“Aye, sir. Progress reports every 1 hour.”

“Containment fields are up, Chief.”

Garcia turned to the ensign and raised an eyebrow and said, “So? What are you waiting for? Get to work! The warp core isn’t going to fix itself you know.” 

~ Damn green ensigns and the warp core? Broken! ~

Garcia sighed and tapped her com badge and asked, “Chief Petty Officers Das, Blair, Harolds, and Garten. Please report to the warp core, you have some serious issues to deal with here. Thank you.”

~ Bringing in the support from the Chief petty officers should be a good move. At least they know what they are doing unlike the damn ensigns who are probably just going to make things worse. ~

“Lieutenant Garcia, how may I assist?”

Garcia whipped her head back towards the sound and was surprised, “Commander! What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be on the bridge?”

“The captain has ordered me to be of assistance here with my experiences as an engineer. The warp core is the main priority as of the moment.”

~ At least I got someone with experience down here, other than the Chief petty officers of course. ~

~ Now what the hell am I supposed to do here stuck somewhere in the Delta quadrant? I should really make a manual of some kind for the “green” captains just like me when I do get back… ~

“Captain, initial scans of the general systems have been completed. We only have one major concern and that’s the warp core, the other issues will be dealt with accordingly.”

Maxwell looked thoughtful and replied to the ensign with a nod of a head. 

~ I think I made the right decision to send Gardner to the engineers. It should speed up things a bit. ~

Tapping his com badge, Maxwell finally made a decision. “Lieutenant Graves, have you and your deputy, Ensign Diego meet me at my ready room. We have some things to discuss as for our next course of action.”

“Aye, sir. On our way.”

~ Well that’s- oh well. Let fate do its thing! ~


  • Garcia is the definitely the MvP of this story, she shines brightly to giving orders in fixing the engineering issues as quickly as possible. Lovely interaction between the crew and shows great character development! Great job.

    July 23, 2024