Part of USS Gilroy: Under-Space and Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Underspace Hours 19  & 20 the test and journey home.

Gamma Quadrant
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Underspace Hours 19  & 20 the test and journey home.

“It’s been two hours since the captain gave the ok to try out my plan. We almost completed all the alterations needed to the deflector dish and I’ve programmed the computer with the frequency that was working when tried in the simulations. We have about half an hour left on the alterations and that allows me enough time to go over all the plans and alterations to make sure that we get this right the first time.” End Personal log said Tior.”, sitting quietly over in a corner or engineering while he goes over everything. 

“Engineering this is the captain, how long till we are ready to try this,” asked the captain.

“Captain this is Lt Jr Tior we need just under half an hour while the alterations are complete and I can just run a quick test of the system before trying it as I don’t want this to go wrong and damage the deflector dish.” Replied the young Lt Jr grade. 

With that, the captain ended the channel and said “I will be in my ready room for the next 20 minutes while we wait and before I make a sprang to the crew on what’s going to happen. You have the bridge, Commander. 

The next 20 minutes felt like it was 40 minutes long but engineering was finally finished. “Bridge this is engineering we are ready to try this out. We just entered the final calculations into the computer and be ready in 2 minutes.” with this the captain overheard as he walked onto the bridge as the comb channel closed. He walked over to his chair looked around the bridge and then walked over to the bridge plaque looked at it and wiped his finger across the top of the plaque checking to see if it was dirty or not. Upon wiping the top of the plaque he walked back to his seat asked for a shipwide channel and sat down on his chair.

“This is the captain, first off you don’t already know we have guests on board some Klingons, Romulans and some additional fellow humans we recently rescued them from a planet and have taken them home with us. So please if you see them make them feel welcome like I know this crew will. Second off as you know a few hours ago I spoke to you about our situation and what had been decided on our course of action. Well since then some of our engineers have come up with a way to possibly open up the conduit we have come to know as underspace and hopefully get us home a lot sooner than we were expecting. So I ask all to prepare for a bumpy trip and as you humans like to say cross your fingers and touch wood for luck, not that you can do the wood bit on board. So every brace for turbulence, Telkir out.”

With that, he sat back in his chair and said “Helm are you ready, have you received everything from engineering.” the helm turned to reply “Yes captain I have a course set for home when we enter underspace and a timer set to when the engines are set to cut off” replied the Ensign.

“Lt commander, are you ready to activate the deflector” looking back over his shoulder from the command chair. 

“Yes, captain I received the frequency and firing pattern from engineering, ready to activate on your say so” replied Lt Commander Sharpe. With that, the captain turned back to look at the viewscreen pulled his tunic uniform top-down and said “Let’s go home shall we, engage”

With this, the Lt commander activated the program. Moments later the whole bridge crew could see a bluey/white beam being emitted from the deflector dish to a position 1000 meters in front of them. A few minutes when by then you heard the Lt commander say 

“Activating phase 2” and with that she tapped a few buttons and on the view screen the beam from the deflector started to pulse along with the steady beam that was already coming from it. 

Moments yet again passed and finally, the operations office spoke up. “Captain we getting some readings that matched what we had when we were pulled in from the alpha quadrant” 

With this the Lt commander then said “Activating the final stage.” and with a push of a few buttons again, the display changed on the viewscreen. The beam was still there but the pulses had increased with intensity as well as the two torpedoes that had been configured to help break through the walls of the underspace and pull the Gilroy back in. At first, nothing seemed to happen as if it was a total failure but the Lt had spoken to the engineers early when she heard of the whispers going around of their plan to get them home and from their chat she concluded that maybe the walls might just need another two torpedoes and asked the guys to complete the modifications on 4 not 2 torpedoes. So she fired the second round of torpedoes as a hunch from her chat earlier on that day. 

Both the captain and the first officer, knowing that they were told only two torpedoes had been designed for the event, were surprised and looked back at the Lt commander wondering why she had just fired another 2 but to their thinking they were just normal torpedoes.  With this, the Lt commander just looked at them and said,

“I’m just playing off a hunch I had after talking to the guys in engineering earlier on and had them retrofit another two torpedoes…” Before she could finish off her explanation the Ensign at the helm said “Captain we moving and something happened on the screen.” With this, both the captain and the first officer turned and Commander Danvers said “Ahead full half impulse.” With that, the helm initiated the engines and within seconds the rift started to open and the Lt commander deactivated the deflected dish as it was no longer needed.

Moments later they were finally in the underspace. There was a bit of a cheer from the people on the bridge that it had worked. “Helm you have our course and the time limit we need to be roughly travelling, so please get us home”  said the commander.

“Yes commander course set and timer activated and off home we go” replied the ensign while she tapped away at her console.  22 minutes soon passed going through underspace with some amazing frying coming from the ensign at the helm dodging debris with the help of the Lt it grade posted at the operations console to her left relaying to her all the information she needed to get them through underspace in one piece. The ship soon came to a stop but they ran into a slight problem. Where they needed to be to activate the deflector dish program for the second time was going to be a bit of a problem as it was full of debris from other ships long ago torn apart within the underspace. With quick thinking and some fancy firing while the ensign was trying to get into position the Lt commander fired a volley of phaser shots destroying the debris that sat in the way and around the ship. With her finger on the trigger ready to take out anymore if needed. 

“Lt commander yet again that was some clear and quick thinking well done if you have finished being our space version of John Wayne will you again activate the pulse” said Commander Danvers. 

With a slight grin on her face, she replied yes commander but before doing so she contacted engineering. “Lt Commander Ramsey we are about to activate the beam again is everything ready to go and are my 4 torpedoes ready” Seconds later she got a reply “Bridge everything is set to go and yes we just finished configuring the last torpedo so it all now down to you” replied the chief.

With that once again, the Lt commander activated the program that activated the deflector dish. “Helm you ready to take us home” asked the Lt commander as she activated the program. The Ensign turned and smiled looking at the senior staff behind her and replied “Yes Lt commander” and turned back looking at the view screen.