Part of USS Eagle: Mission 8 – Looking for Love

What to Do

October 2401
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Eagle Ready Room

“Miss Conway is settled in her guest quarters, and we left orbit over Delvis,” said Allen.  “Next stop, Starbase 93.”

“Good.  I’m glad things worked out,” said Kirby.

“I understand why you transferred Lieutenant Saunders, but arranging for them to be together, that’s a good thing.”

“I’m a romantic at heart.”  Kirby chuckled.  “I have more news.”

“What did we do now?”  It was Allen’s turn to chuckle.

“Not only are we moving to a new task force, we’re also getting a new ship.”

“They’re retiring the Eagle?”

“A temporary removal from service for upgrades.  Our new ship is an Alita.”

“An Alita?  Definitely not a meeta kitten,” said Allen.

Kirby smiled.  “There’s even more news.”

“Of course there is.”

“Most of the 650 crew are already assigned,” said Kirby.  “I get to choose the senior staff.  I’m bringing our people with me.”

“Command finally recognized how good we are,” said Allen.  He paused, studying the captain’s face.  “What?”

“The XO and chief engineer are already assigned as well.  Commander Sorek, a Vulcan and Lieutenant Ren Trell, a Betazoid.”


It was obvious to Kirby that Roger was hurt.  “Both have been with the ship, helping to prepare it for service.  They’ll be bringing it to 93 for its shakedown cruise.”

“Why didn’t they promote Commander Sorek and give him the ship?”

“That’s a good question for another time,” said Kirby.  “For now, I need to tell you the rest of the story.  Command is offering you two choices.  You transfer to the new ship as second officer and chief of security or you accept a promotion to full commander and take charge of a new Raven.”

“My own ship?”

“Yes.  You’ve earned it.”

“How long do I have to decide?”

“Command will want your answer once we reach 93.”  Looking at Allen’s body language, Kirby couldn’t tell which way he was leaning.  “This is an excellent opportunity for you.  My first command was a Raven.  Look where it’s taken me.”

Allen still didn’t say anything.

“I’ll miss you as an officer and as a friend,” said Kirby.

“If I stay, this will affect Lieutenant Iziraa,” said Allen.

“That’s true,” said Kirby.  “She won’t be chief of security.”

“This is a lot to consider.  Can we slow to warp two, so I have more time to think about it?” said Allen.

Kirby chuckled.  “I can give you warp four.”

“Is there anything else?” said Allen.

“No, that’s it.”

“Then I have a lot of thinking to do.”

“Yes.  If you decide before we reach 93, let me know,” said Kirby.  “We can tell the senior staff together.”

Once Allen had left the room, Kirby got up and stood before the window.  In Starfleet, change was inevitable, but that didn’t mean it was easy.

Or wanted.