Part of USS Illustrious: Turning of the Tides and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

2 – Turning of the Tides

USS Illustrious / USS Shepard
December 2401
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“Republic Shuttle Tarex-775, this is USS Shepard flight control. You are cleared for docking in the port hangar bay, reduce relative speed to zero-point-zero-two-five percent impulse, and prepare for tractor lock and guidance.”

Tallera smiled as she heard the familiar voice of Calvin Mackenzie emanating from her transport’s comms. It’d been too long since she heard her friends speak – seven months, in fact.  The Romulan Republic had put a temporary pause on her exchange officer program after the Frontier Day disaster, and she was almost immediately sent home to serve on Republic Navy Warbirds. Apparently, seven months was enough time for the Republic to consider Starfleet stable again or something. Whatever the reasons behind her assignments were, they were above her pay grade. Which, admittedly, had increased since the last time she was on the Shepard. Twenty-four months as an ensign and honorable service as an exchange officer qualified her for a rank up, so she was now a Sublieutenant. Or a Lieutenant Junior Grade in Federation Starfleet, which she thought was a terribly awkward name for a rank.

“Confirmed, Shepard,” her own flight specialist replied. The older non-com turned to Tallera and gave her permission to prepare to disembark. Shuttle Tarex-775 is complying with the docking procedure. We won’t be long—that’ll be a borderline touch-and-go.”

The shuttle door descended with a hiss as Tallera readjusted her heavy duffle bag on her shoulder, still readjusting to the lack of padded shoulders on Starfleet uniforms. As she stepped from the world of the Republic Navy back into that of the Federation, she was greeted with a very familiar face.

“Hello, Tallie,” the distinctly monotonous voice of a Vulcan greeted her. “I am here to facilitate your transfer back to the USS Shepard. It is agreeable to see you again.”

“Hi, Dreval,” Tallera said, smiling ear to ear and resisting the urge to hug her old friend. It is… very agreeable to see you, too.”

The corners of Dreval’s mouth briefly and ever-so-slightly twitched upwards. It would’ve been completely unnoticeable to most, but Tallera had become quite proficient at picking up Vulcan microexpressions during her time on the Shepard. “Please follow me to deck one for a debrief with Commander Zelenko. I imagine the two of you have much to catch up on. You may drop your possessions off in your quarters on the way. You will be residing in the same location you did during your previous posting here.”

“Thanks, Drev,” Tallie replied as the two walked towards the hangar bay’s exit, the shuttle touching off behind them. “I’m sure you and I also have much to catch up on.”

“Indeed we do. I am curious to hear about your experiences in your home fleet.”

Tallera smiled again. It was good to be back.

It had been a few hours since the Illustrious and Shepard disembarked from Tranquility Station and headed to their destination. Things had been quiet, as this was a routine humanitarian mission. Brie Windrow had left the bridge a while ago, deciding to head to her quarters to relax. Sitting on the sofa, she decided to read the book she had been reading in her free time. She always took advantage of any downtime to relax and read.

Moments later, the doors to her quarters opened. Alucis Asa walked in, seeing Brie sitting on their sofa reading, which she often found when she returned home. Smiling, she walked up and sat beside her, placing her hand on her leg. “Hey,” she said as Windrow looked at her for a moment before she leaned over, giving her a long kiss before laying her head on her shoulder and looking at what she was reading.

“Hey,” Windrow replied after returning Asa’s kiss. They had been in a relationship for the last couple of years, even before being assigned to the Illustrious. They both just sat there enjoying their alone time for the time being. “How did we get so lucky to be assigned to the same ship again?” She asked.

“Luck, I guess,” Asa replied with a smile.

They sat silently and cuddled on the sofa, enjoying each other’s company while Brie read. They always enjoyed simple things like this when they became available. How do you think this mission will turn out?” Windrow asked, breaking the silence as she continued to read. “I hear that the Orion Syndicate has been getting the attention of Starfleet Intelligence,” she said, laying her head back on the couch and finally placing the PADD she had on her lap while still holding it in her hand.

Asa lifted her head from her shoulder, looking at Windrow. “Do you think we will run into something during our mission?” she asked as she positioned herself on one leg on the sofa, sitting sideways, facing her, with an arm bent and leaning on the top of the sofa.

Windrow had been looking up towards the ceiling, pressing her lips together to the side, beginning to chew on the sides of her cheek for a few moments. “I mean, I hope not, but one could only wonder as it seems the Fourth Fleet has been more active recently. It makes me wonder,” Windrow admitted.

“This mission could just be a coincidence,” Asa pointed out.

“You’re probably right; I am just thinking too much into this,” Windrow replied, finally looking up and facing Asa.

Asa chuckled. She knew that she always overthought things and sometimes became obsessed with them when they were on her mind. Asa placed a hand on hers. “They are valid thoughts and feelings.” She reassured her, letting her know that having these thoughts was all right.

“Thanks,” Windrow replied with a smile before leaning over and kissing Asa deeply.

Returning her kiss before breaking away, looking at her for a moment. “Care to go grab something to eat from the lounge?” Asa asked as she stood up, extending her hand towards Windrow. 

Windrow smiled, taking her hand before standing up and setting the PADD on the side table beside the sofa. “Sure,” she said as they both began to walk out of their quarters, heading towards the turbolift that would take them to the lounge. A few moments later, they reached the lounge and walked in. It seemed busier than usual as others also decided to enjoy some downtime.

Asa looked around as they got their food from the replicator and spotted Lieutenant Scott Black sitting by himself at a table near the corner. He was another one who had transferred over from their previous assignment. They both walked up to him and smiled. ” Mind if we join you, Scott?” Asa asked.

He looked up and smiled at the two, “of course.” Black said, motioning for the two chairs in front of him. “Enjoying some downtime as well?” He asked.

The two of them sat their food on the table, moved the chairs back a bit, and sat down. “Yep,” Windrow replied with a soft smile. She noticed he seemed a bit out of it, deep in thought, before they walked up. “Everything alright, Scott?” she asked.

Nodding, “I have just been thinking, unable to shake a feeling I have.” Black replied as he sipped the coffee he had been holding. Looking at the confused looks on their faces, he began to elaborate. “Do you feel that something is not sitting right with this mission? Is there more to this we don’t know yet?” Black asked, which caused the two women to look at each other momentarily. He raised an eyebrow at the reaction they had.

“I was thinking the same thing but just thought I was overthinking things,” Windrow replied, glad she wasn’t the only one feeling this way. “Though it could just be a coincidence, though.”

“I mean, it could be, but my gut feelings are usually not far from off, and if we were both thinking the same thing, there might be something more to this mission than anyone knows about,” Black replied.

“It’s hard telling, but I trust your instincts, so we will just have to keep an eye on things once we arrive,” Asa suggested. The other two nodded in agreement and spent the rest of their downtime chatting while eating. After they finished, they all returned to the bridge to discuss their concerns with the Captain and see what he thought.


  • Lovely character moments all around here! A nice calm before whatever storm this mission has cooking up!

    November 10, 2024
  • There is there underlying unease about the mission ahead. As the reader I found myself getting more uneasy as the post moved along and further thoughts and feeling were shared about the task at hand. I enjoyed the softer character moments as well between Asa and Windrow. Nicely done!

    November 10, 2024
  • The reunion of old friends was touching. The choice to use a Vulcan as her greeter was nice too, creating a contrast between the macro relationship of their people and the micro relationship of them two specifically. Like Dreval, I am curious to learn more of her time away from the Federation. As far as the rest of the crew goes, it’s interesting to me how Windrow and Asa regard the Syndicate. Is it really about the Syndicate or more about all that Starfleet has been through over the last year? Either way, interesting piece of character development, and ready now to see where this mission takes them! Will instincts be right, or are their worries for naught?

    November 10, 2024