Part of USS Gagarin: Episode 1 – The Syndicate Storm and Montana Station: Montana Squadron Season 2

TSS 002 – An Empty Rimward

USS Gagarin
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“A week and nothing.” Captain Helena Dread sat at her ready-room desk, reading through the reports that her XO, Lieutenant Sadie Fowler, had handed to her moments ago. “Reports are still coming in on the damage done to the groups of Syndicate operators. Remind me never to piss off the Pirate Queen.”

Sadie was working on her own PADD, “It’s staggering how clean cut it was – anyone who participated in the thefts found themselves thrown out into the dark. Fourth Fleet is still cleaning up the mess.” She scrolled further down, “But that leaves us without any ideas on what Tougun is up to…or if he’s managed to survive. If the rumors are true and she’s cut all of them off…he’s on his own.”

Helena steepled her fingers thoughtfully, “When he took over the rest of the operations, he inherited most of the rimward operations – a lot of latinum swept into his banks. Not having access to the larger Syndicate would slow him down…but given the psychological profile they built on him after it was all done – he’s no quitter.” She worked through his past as she spoke, “He can’t go back to the slavery recovery operations, so that’s out. He’s built a reputation out here as the worst guy you could run into on a good day.”

Sadie sat forward, her mind joining her CO’s brainstorm, “You said it – he’s not a quitter. He has nowhere else to go…and excels at what he does out here. Would he even think of competing with the Syndicate? He’s fearless, but everyone has their limits.”

“I think you misjudge him, Fowler. That psyche eval was interesting in what it included and didn’t include. It talked a lot about his motivations, desires, thought process…everything you can imagine except for his predictability. They couldn’t game out how he would act in any scenario. The computer and the counseling team had a hell of a time. The only thing it could predict with any certainty was whatever it was…it would end in violence. He doesn’t take the straight path…he takes detours…or hell, even makes his own road.” She sipped from her chilled cider, “I don’t think Tougun has limits as we imagine them. I think he’s been searching for his limits his whole life.”

The science chief blinked in rapid succession. She sat back, muted in abject shock. An Orion with no limits? With his history? That scared her in ways she hadn’t imagined. She whispered out, “Do you think he ever will? Find his limits, I mean?”

Dread stared out the floor-to-ceiling bay windows, “At this rate, we’re going to be the ones to find out when he finally comes out from behind whatever curtain he’s hiding behind.”

Sadie remained at a whisper, “Doesn’t that scare you, captain?”

Helena remained fixated on the universe outside her window. The question was and wasn’t hard to answer. She had spent her career in Starfleet, seeing and experiencing the unbelievable, the unthinkable, and the unforgettable. There had been plenty of moments that had scared her. She turned her attention back to her young XO, “Sure. If I were alone in a room with him, I would be scared shitless. Reading the reports gave me every kind of anxiety in the book…and then some.” She chuckled at the wide-eyed look on Fowler’s face, “Welcome to my ready room – foul language and all.” She continued, “I know I’m not going to be alone. I have my crew and the Gagarin with all her fists of fury ready to throw down. We don’t quit, either.” She refilled her cider, “Does it scare you, lieutenant?”

A quiet nod from Fowler as she wrapped her hands around her own refilled hot chocolate. Silence remained until she spoke, “I know we’re as safe as we can be here on the Gagarin. I know we all know how to perform our various positions and responsibilities. I just…the thought of it not being enough has been on my mind lately…and I can’t shake it.”

Dread finished her cider. “In the academy, they talk about the ‘no win scenario.’ Kirk is one of the first case studies, but there were plenty more we studied – many who lost. You remember that semester?” A somber nod from Fowler. “Then you remember how important it is to focus on working with your team every step of the way – being aware of as much as you can so nothing catches you unawares. Knowing and accepting what is under your control is one of the greatest weapons Starfleet officer carries.” She watched Fowler listen, and her eyes exuded a little more confidence as she stood. Dread added, “Being scared is pretty normal. What you do with those feelings will carry the day, Lieutenant Fowler.” Sadie thanked her captain and left the ready room. Dread remained in her chair. Her XO was right to be scared of Tougun. Helena wouldn’t admit it to anyone but herself at the moment, but the specter of the Orion just out of reach made her nervous.

And a little scared.


  • Thank you for always inhabiting and imbuing Helena Dredd with the most unpretentious but totally engaging humanity. There is a naturalness, honesty and authenticity to the characterization of this character (and by extension, your writing) that always keeps me checking in. I find your writing a gift, that I always look forward to unwrapping.

    December 31, 2024