Part of USS Morro Bay: Cali-Class?? A Cali-Class?!

P.S – I hate you. P.S.S – We have no power.

Lower Decks Bunks
March of 2402
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“You have awful music taste, you know.”

“It’s beat therapy! What is your deal?!”

The two Ensign’s had, to no ones shock, broken their peace treaty they had. It was almost like the two couldn’t handle not insulting each other. But, alas, as the two finally laid in bed to sleep, the quelling stopped.

. . .until Mazev’s small audio device ceased it’s music. His eyes groggily flipped open as he looked around, wondering if Velau had flicked the machine off. But she wasn’t even in her bunk. With an uneasy hop off, he started to walk down the lower decks.

It was peaceful–the lack of lighting, the window with the stars outside of it. The-

There wasn’t any lighting.

“What the hell…?” Mazev furrowed his brow, looking up at the panels. Just as he was, Velau came around the corner, concern etched on her face. It dropped instantly when seeing the other Ensign.

“Oh great, you. What’s going on?” The girl motioned to the ceiling. In return, he shrugged. “Wonderful.”

“Maybe it’s not that bad? Like, maybe their working on this section of the ship.” It was starting to become very apparent that something was wrong. Especially when Velau tried to tinker with one of the panel’s on the wall, only to be met with…nothing.

“Okay. This is exhausting–hold on.” She tapped her badge, gaining a horrified look from Mazev as she did, and spoke. “Prias to engineering.”

“What are you doing?! We’re Ensig-”

“Hold that thought. Prias. To. Engineering.” She spoke, hitting her badge with each word. “What the hell?!”

“It’s not working.”

“Oh gee Captain Obvious, I couldn’t tell. Thank you ssoooooooo much for telling me!”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed..” Mazev muttered. Velau sneered at him for a second, before her badge suddenly buzzed.

“En—-using—-you—-capt—turbo—broken—fix—“ The static seemingly screamed from the girls badge, with Plimmitt’s voice emitting from it. The two Ensigns looked at each other, now genuinely worried.

”That can’t be right.” Mazev’s brow furrowed. “Why would the—okay, let’s go to engineering.” He beckoned for his current fightee to follow as he started his way down the hall. Velau followed hesitantly, phaser out.

”You do not need that.” Mazev rolled his eyes, eventually reaching the doors for the turbo lift. The usual snarky demeanor Ensign Prias had was now gone, replaced with genuine concern. “What? No comeback?”

”I’m just worried. Engineering.” She admitted after a pause. The turbolift came to lift and started its descent. “This would have notified at least someone—we shouldn’t have comms not working.”

”I’m sure it’s fine. We have to deal with a lot—we’re Starfleet!” Mazev gave an optimistic smile. “Besides, no need for anxiety. This ship is safe and sound!”

”I hope you’re right.” Velau held her arms for a second, letting her brow furrow as she chose her next words carefully.

”I’m sorry for the trouble I’ve been giving you. There’s been a bit on my mind, lately.” The woman turned to look at Mazev. He gave a softer smile.

”Awh. Thank you for that. What’s been eating at yOOOU?!”

As the man spoke, the turbo lift suddenly dropped. For a millisecond, the two were in the air and saw each others terrified faces, before the large impact of the end of the shaft came swiftly and heavily.


. . . . . . .

Groggily, Velau raised her head. The lighting in the turbo lift were now red flickering lights, illuminating the bloodied and slightly battered Mazev.


“SHIT! Mazev?! Are you okay?” She called out. As she attempted to reach to the fellow Ensign, pain shot through her left leg. Crying out, the girl grasped it and fell backwards.

“Nmgghhhhh…” Mazev slowly tried to sit up, crying out as well. “What—happened?” He choked out.

“I think the turbolift.. crashed..?” Velau replied, holding her leg still. Mazev’s left arm was very clearly broken. He hadn’t noticed yet, and Velau didn’t know how to tell a possibly delirious man his wrist is bent backwards.

“How?! It doesn’t even..” Mazev tried to think. His eyes widened at the thought. “Something has to be wrong with the power. It..” He paused, trailing off.

”It what? Mazev, what??” She asked, trying to get his attention. Before anything else could’ve been said, the man collapsed back down. “MAZEV!”

With one desperate attempt, she touched her badge once again.

“A-Anyone…this is—this is Ensign Velau Prias. We’re…I’m stuck in the turbolfit. It crashed down the shaft, and I…I’m not alone. Someone’s hurt. Badly. If anyone can hear us, please!” She called out.

With a push, Velau finally made her way next to Mazev, trying to prop him upwards—only to reel back and cringe as blood lathered her hands. Horror struck her face as her eyes trailed downwards. . .
. . . and onto the huge jagged piece of metal impaling his side. They were in danger before. But now one of them had the chance of bleeding out, and time was not on their side.