Part of USS Jaxartes: Dark Frontier

Part 17: Goodbye And Thankyou

USS Jaxartes docked at StarBase 86
25th March 2402
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Lieutenant Jason Devron entered Sickbay aboard the USS Jaxartes, carrying a Padd in one hand.  Doctor  Phoebe Andrianakis the ships civilian medic was busy sorting and cataloging the medical supplies.  “Latest news from Commander Salan.” He announced cheerfully.  “The Command is now officially diplomatic liaison between the Vashran Government and the displaced Pelcaza peoples.”

“How did he manage that?” The Greek woman enquired.  “I thought they were throwing the book at him, when he took full responsibility for our actions.”

“Apparently saving the Universe does help his case slightly.”  Jason answered.  “He’s unlikely to ever command a starship again, though.”

“No one’s ever going to know what I did, are they?” Andrianakis signed.

“Just the few of us on the ship, including the two scientists on the Bridge when you came back.” Jason kissed her on the cheek; glad she had come back. “They’ve promised to keep quiet.

It was an odd thing to grasp; just a few short weeks ago, she’d been part of the Q Continuum; vast power to manipulate time and space; at her fingertips.  She’d frozen an evil entity from another Universe, in time; then destroyed him by turning the very planet he stood upon, into a brand new sun.  Now she was just an ordinary woman, with no special abilities.  Why was she afraid to tell the man standing next to her; how terrified and lost she felt?

“Well it was nice whilst it lasted.” She sighed.

“I’m going to miss you.” Jason looked at his hand, just as Phoebe grabbed one.

“Look, this isn’t like its forever.” She squeezed gentle.  “I’m already a qualified doctor, and a damn good one.  They just need to teach me the ins and outs of Starfleet protocol.”

It had come as a surprise to Jason; when over a meal together, she’d told him of her intentions to join Starfleet.  Her position on the Jaxartes had only ever meant to be temporary anyway, and now with the crew being transferred to a new ship, her time with them was officially over.   Andrianakis hoped one day, they’d serve together again; for now though, they’d be parted.  At least whilst he was off saving the Universe.


Ensign Tholakath, entered his quarters; most of his stuff, as little as it was, had already been beamed across to the new ship.  He was just here to double check and see how Ensign C’Rren was getting on with his packing.

The Cardassian and Caitian had both formed a close bond of friendship aboard the Jaxartes, and had requested accommodation together in their new posting; along with the third member of their merry band, who at present wasn’t cooperating.

“Look, it’s only for a short while.”  He heard C’Rren say softly. “But I have to follow regulations.”

The reply was a kind of squeak followed by an irritated sounding purr.  It unnerved the Caitian that the small creature currently sat on the bottom bunk could make a noise, so much like the one his cousin used to make, right before they got into a fight.  T’Ssel was probably the only member of his large family, C’Rren never truly got on with.

Tholakath shook his head and smiled at the antics of his friend. “Crewman Houdini, stand to attention when an Officer is addressing you.” The Cardassian said with a firm yet pleasant tone.  The creature moved slightly, as if repositioning itself. “Good”.

It was hard to tell how intelligent this particular Tribble was, or was it just pure dumb luck that sometimes its random reactions to sound; seemed like it was displaying intelligence.  Either way, it needed to be in the box next to it on the bed for the purposes of transportation.

“It’s not our fault you’re registered as hazardous!” The Caitian added. “You’re lucky we can keep you as it is.”

The Tribble sounded grumpy; when it gave some sort of reply; but did shuffle a little towards the opening of the box.  A gentle push from C’Rren, guided the creature in the rest of the way; before closing it carefully and setting the security lock.

“Well I guess this is goodbye to our first posting.” Tholakath announced; patting the wall gently and moving towards the door. “Well come on you two.”


In the quarters situated directly opposite two other members of the crew were discussing their futures. Ensign Cho had just spent the last ten or twelve minutes Stuffing all her clothes and possessions into a dark blue kitbag.  It was the same bag she’d carried her things in all through her cadet training; it showed slight signs of wear along one edge, but probably had a few years left in it yet.

Ensign Harris stood to one side, arms folded across his chest; amused by the chaos in front of him. “You know for someone who’s normally calm, well presented and methodical; you’re a lousy packer! Didn’t they teach you anything in the Academy?”

She threw a pair of rolled up sports socks at him; which he caught.  “Oh, shut up you.” The Korean woman replied with a grin. “I’m nervous ok.”

“It’ll be ok; it’s just a slightly bigger ship with a few more crew, that’s all.” Chad reassured her.

“I’m going to be a Department Head!” She exclaimed.  “I’m 21, an Ensign and other people are going to be looking at me for instructions!”

Chad placed a hand on each of her shoulders.  “When you first came on this ship, you wouldn’t say boo to a goose.  For a communications officer; that seemed strange.”  He smiled at her.  “Now look at you.”

“Yes: a complete nervous wreck.” Cho answered him.

“Ensign Cho, Head of Communication.” The young New Zealander used his hands to highlight each word; as if it was on a big sign across the door.

“It does have a certain ring to it.” She smiled back.

“I’m proud of you, so is mom.” Chad told her.

“Yeah, I love your mom; she’s so kind and caring.” The Harris family as a whole; were in stark contradiction to her own overbearing and demanding family back at Gwangju Saeloun.

“More than me?” He cheekily enquired.

When she indicated with her hand, that she was weighing up her response to the question; Chad threw the socks back at her.  Cho stuck out her tongue, and the pair of them just started laughing.


There was one person aboard the USS Jaxartes who had already had experience of being a Department Head on a larger vessel; and the Olympic-class Hospital Ship, USS Hope, of which his brother was Captain; was certainly a much big ship than this one.  Lieutenant JG Dinari Lyambo, had already had to train an entire team of engineers; to replace those killed on Frontier Day.  There was a strong indication he’d be doing something similar again on the new ship.

Standing in the middle of the almost silent room, the Warp Core dulled with inactivity and some of the control panels dotted around, now set to ‘Standby’ mode; he reflected on those that had served as Chief Engineer aboard this ship.

Thomas Bellbrooke had turned out to be an Orion insider, working for an Orion female by the name of Navaar Orci.  Dinari had originally replaced him, when they believed he was dead.  Albert Torf had then been put in charge whilst Dinari was on the Hope.  The Betazoid had survived a close call with a rogue Borg attempting to assimilate him, but had suffered badly at the hands on the Devore, who had tortured him.  Albert was now on extended leave, with no clear indication that he was ever returning to active duty.

It left a bitter taste in the Namibian’s mouth, knowing the harsh treatment him colleague and friend had suffered.  He took one last look around Main Engineering, and exited for the final time.


When Lieutenant Devron made it on to the Bridge, where he found Lieutenant Stuart sitting at the Helm; even though the controls had been shut down, and the whole thing was blank.  The Orion had heard the door swish; a spun her chair round to face him.

“When I was young I saw the USS Majestic, and as a Sovereign class, the name really suited her.” She smiled, remembering those early teenage years. “It’s why I joined Starfleet, to fly one of those massive beauties.”

“And now?” Jason asked sensing there was more.

“I’m going to miss this old girl.” Lyanna replied.  “She’s been a joy to fly.”

“You and Chad have both performed well whilst in that seat.” Jason complemented the skill of the two helm officers.

“Any idea what happening to this ship next?”  Stuart enquired.

“No idea, hardly any of the Ravens have been active lately; especially of front line missions.” He sounded a little sad, and in truth he was.  “The USS Liris was active the beginning of the year, I know that much.”

Lieutenant Stuart stood up, giving the back of her seat a gentle tap. “I’ll leave you to say goodbye.”  Then she walked off the Bridge.

Devron watched her go, and stood in the middle of the Bridge, arms half across the back of the Captain’s chair. “Yes I hope you haven’t seen your last mission.  You’re too good a ship for that.” He gave a wry smile remembering the first day he’d come aboard; the 14th January 2401.  “Goodbye and thankyou.”