
Profile Overview

Gideon Johnson

Human Male


Character Information

Rank & Address

Lieutenant Johnson


Staff Astrophysicist
Starbase Bravo


Dr. Gideon Kyle Johnson, Ph.D

10th of November, 2370 (Age: 32)

USS Tolland (NCC-85729)


Lieutenant Dr. Gideon Kyle Johnson, Ph.D is a male Starfleet line officer and currently a staff astrophysicist on Starbase Bravo. He is a highly accomplished scientist that has served on the Federation Science Council. Johnson holds numerous commendations and awards for his work in astrophysics, geophysics and stellar cartography. He does not boast or seek gratification for his work instead choosing to remain silent as he tutor and mentor his subordinates. Johnson is married with two kids, a girl and a boy.


Physical Description

Versatile, stylish and expressive Lieutenant Johnson is average height coming in at 5’10 (178 cm). He has a toned build weighing 165 lbs (74 kg). Johnson has black hair and dark brown eye color.

While on duty, Johnson is often seen wearing the standard uniform but will lose the outer jacket and sport the undershirt when he is working in his lab or around his office. While off duty, he would wear a black t-shirt with a leather jacket and jeans.

Physical Appearance

  • Species: Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5’10 (178 cm)
  • Weight: 165 lbs (74 kg)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Eye Color: Dark Brown
  • Portrayed By: Donald Glover



Strengths & Weakness




Hobbies & Interests



Early History | (2370 – 2388)

Starfleet Career | (2388 – Present)

Starfleet Academy | (2388 – 2392)
Starfleet Science Academy | (2392 – 2395)
USS Nile | (2395 – 2398)
Federation Science Council | (2398 – 2401)
Starbase Bravo | (2401 – Present)

Biographical Data


  • Federation Standard
  • Romulan

Service Branches

United Federation of Planets | Starfleet

Years of Service

Starfleet: 2388 – Present

Notable Positions

Federation Science Council | Member: 2398 – 2401

Starbase Bravo | Staff Astrophysicist: 2401 – Present




Jade Johnson

Lieutenant Commander Jade Johnson is a Human female Starfleet line officer and is a case officer within Starfleet Intelligence.


Katelyn Johnson

Fleet Captain Katelyn Johnson is a Human female Starfleet line officer and head of the surgical department at Starfleet Medical.

David Johnson

Commodore David Johnson is a Human male Starfleet flag officer and is currently both the Commanding Officer of Meridian Station and the sector commander of the (Name) Sector.

Taylor Johnson

Commander Taylor Johnson is the commanding officer of the USS Summerside, a Parliament-class utility cruiser. Taylor and Gideon have the closest relationship out of his siblings. With her only being four years older than him

Evelynn Johnson

Ensign Evelynn Johnson is a shuttle pilot assigned to Meridian Station alongside her father.

Dianne Johnson

Dianne Johnson is the daughter of Lieutenant Gideon and Lieutenant Commander Jade Johnson.

Marcus Johnson

Marcus Johnson is the son of Lieutenant Gideon and Lieutenant Commander Jade Johnson.



Commander T’Soni is a Vulcan-Human Hybrid female Starfleet line officer and currently the executive officer of the USS Paramount.

Laura Jackson

Lieutenant Laura Jackson is a Human female Starfleet line officer and currently the chief science officer of the USS Paramount.


Ensign T’Vaya is a Vulcan female Starfleet line officer and currently serving as a science officer aboard the USS Paramount.

Service Record

Date Position Posting Rank
2388 - 2389 Science Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco — Earth

Cadet Freshman Grade
2389 - 2390 Science Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco — Earth

Cadet Sophomore Grade
2390 - 2391 Science Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco — Earth

Cadet Junior Grade
2391 - 2392 Science Cadet Starfleet Academy
San Francisco — Earth

Cadet Senior Grade
2392 - 2395 Astrophysics Student Starfleet Science Academy
San Francisco — Earth

2395 - 2396 Science Officer USS Nile (NCC-)

2395 - 2398 Astrophysicist USS Nile (NCC-)

Lieutenant Junior Grade
2398 - 2401 Member Federation Science Council
Lieutenant Junior Grade
2401 Astrophysicist Starbase Bravo

2401 - Present Staff Astrophysicist Starbase Bravo
