USS Savannah

Task Force 72

“Mens Agitat Molem” (Mind over Matter)

As tensions simmer along the former Demilitarized Zone and conflict between the True Way and New Marquis threaten to re-ignite old hatreds, the Starfleet New – Orlean’s Class Frigate, USS Savannah is taken out of mothballs and hastily pressed into service with a mostly green & inexperienced crew.

For Samantha Hyland it is a chance to prove herself in her first command assignment. For the young crew of the USS Savannah this shall be the crucible in which they will become forged.

Will mind prevail over matter or will this be the last fading-glimmer of hope in the Twighlight of a once – powerful United Federation of Planets?

Content on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Mild swearing, contextual violence, and limited/romantic sexual interaction may be present. It is intended for audiences (16+).

RPG Rating 2 2 2

(Some images used have been created using from open-source content)




Crew Manifest

Name Position Rank
Commanding Officer
ID: 1295
Executive Officer
ID: 1295
Chief of the Boat
ID: 1295
Chief Medical Officer
ID: 1295
Acting Chief Engineer
ID: 1295
Chief Security Officer
ID: 1295
Chief Science Officer
ID: 1295
Astrometrics Specialist
ID: 1295
Senior Tactical Officer
ID: 1295
Senior Helm Officer
ID: 1295
Senior Operations Officer
ID: 1295
Ships Counselor
ID: 1295
Tactical Training Hologram (TTH)
ID: 1295
ID: 1295
ID: 1295
True Way Commander
ID: 1295
CO - Starbase "Terminus"
ID: 1295
Bar Owner - "The Last Resort"
ID: 1295

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