USS Gemini (NCC-74603)
The Gemini has been in service in Starfleet since 2384, being involved with the Romlan Star Empire resettlement operation and notable involvement at Operation Blood Dilithium. The USS Gemini has now received a new crew after a refit and resupply, with Captain Ruslanovna as its new Commanding Officer. Their task is to investigate the Betreka Nebula, provide support to Hecate Station and is specialized in both scientific and medical endeavors.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Command Master Chiief
Chief Engineer Officer
Chief Flight Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Hazard Team Lead
Chief Science Officer
Astrometrics Officer
Cosmology Specialist
Chief Medical Officer
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
11 January 2025
Hecate Station and USS Gemini
“Where are they coming from?!” Midux, the latest reinforcement to the ground forces, yelled. He was providing cover for the engineering personnel who were doing their best to get the broken-down shield generators back online. “Keep them at a distance! Provide supportive [...]
9 January 2025
P5a - First Boots on the Ground
Hecate Station and USS Gemini
The planet Dhaillak, a beautiful and lush green planet, displays its forests, seas, mountains, and lakes from space. But the grim situation it has faced for quite some time is clear as two Klingon Bird-of-Prey unleash another volley of orbital bombardments onto the planet. The Gemini drops out of [...]
9 January 2025
Hecate Station and USS Gemini
Before the Gemini was abruptly pulled away for duty, it had been docked at Hecate Station to celebrate the new year. Ko had just retreated to her personal quarters after a long day of settling into her new assignment aboard the Gemini. She knew, deep down, that someone had shown her grace, a rare [...]
5 January 2025
P4 - The line is getting thinner
Hecate Station and USS Gemini
Red lights and the blaring of the alert klaxon echoed through the busy medical bay. Enlisted personnel, officers, nurses, doctors, and specialists rushed to their designated spots. Doctors shouted orders for needed supplies while nurses grabbed the requested items and assisted them. Then a voice [...]