USS Challenger (NCC-92421)

"We leave as we we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind." - Eugene Cernan

USS Challenger

Odyssey-class • NCC-92421 • Challenger Heavy Explorer Squadron • Fourth Fleet

Commissioned in January 2401, the Odyssey-class USS Challenger is the flagship for Challenger Heavy Explorer Squadron, better known as Challenger Squadron. Under the command of Captain Tarven Rix, this new Challenger continues the legacy of her illustrious forebearers, most recently a Galaxy-class starship, of peaceful exploration and scientific discovery. Additionally, the Challenger is one of the preeminent diplomatic platforms Starfleet has to offer and is often dispatched to represent the Federation’s interests. For this reason, it has an enlarged diplomatic detachment under the command of Commander Matthais Bentley.

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Challenger Heavy Explorer Squadron

Squadron Commands

Ark Royal Exploratory Cruiser Division

Cygnus Exploratory Cruiser Division

Trident Explorer Division

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28 April 2024

Mortal Temples - 6

Mortal Temples

USS Challenger

“Sir, I’d like to talk to you about my quarters.” Tarven looked up at his First Officer. He was sure the exasperation he felt was written clearly on his features. PADDs with various legal precedents were strewn across his desk, and the Starfleet manual on asylum hearings was on his main [...]

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Mortal Temples - 5

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USS Challenger

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USS Challenger

“The first time you address him, it’s ‘your majesty’ and ‘sir’ after that.” Captain Tarven Rix marched through the Challenger’s corridors with Commander Bentley keeping pace beside him, providing a last-minute protocol briefing. Both men were attired in their dress uniforms and were [...]

2 March 2024

Mortal Temples - 3

Mortal Temples

USS Challenger

They looked so happy. They were happy—newlyweds on their honeymoon, imagining a long life together. They had no idea of what was to come, no idea that one of them would have his life cruelly snuffed out on an away mission, leaving the other behind to grieve and try and build a life different from [...]