The Constellation is a Constitution III-class explorer seeking to connect the dots between the mysteries of deep space exploration and uncertain diplomatic relations with the Romulan Free State.
USS Constellation is a Constitution III-class explorer assigned to the Fourth Fleet. It is currently under the command of Captain Taes. A team of civilian scientists from the Romulan Free State is permanently assigned to support the Constellation’s investigation of scientific mysteries beyond the charted edges of Federation space. Although the crew’s search for knowledge is vital, their paramount mission is to improve diplomatic relations between the United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Free State through both crews learning to work as one.
Captain Taes’ earlier adventures have been told aboard the USS Dvorak (Season One) and the USS Sarek (Season Two).
“We only see starlight because all the stars are bleeding.”
– Steven Hall
Banner image was created by Pundus. Dedication plaque created by Keziah Nazir.
Content on this command is rated at 222 on the RPG Ratings Scale, per the Bravo Fleet Content Policy. Limited swearing, violence and sexual content may be present. It is intended for audiences aged 17 and up.
Commanding Officer
Executive Officer
Chief Science Officer
Chief Security Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Communications Officer
Chief Engineering Officer
Chief Flight Controller
Romulan Free State Liaison
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Assistant Chief Science Officer
Science Officer
USS Almagest Commanding Officer
USS Almagest Executive Officer
USS Minerva Commanding Officer
19 January 2025
USS Constellation
“Please accept my personal regrets that the K’ritz Sovran must refuse your request, Captain Taes,” said Ambassador Rylgeen. Nova could see no indication of those supposed regrets. Rylgeen must have been hiding them terribly well. Lieutenant Nova DeVoglaer looked up from her PADD [...]
20 December 2024
USS Constellation
Captain Elbon Jakkelb’s Personal Log, Stardate 78937.8, I still don’t know why Flavia caused mischief in my relationship with Kellin, back aboard the USS Sarek. We were already divorced; there was no hope of repair. It could have been a twisted attempt to ingratiate herself to Kellin or [...]
20 December 2024
USS Constellation
The laboratory was laid out as a ten-sided irregular polygon to ensure no computer access station had a clear line of sight to another. By design, any researcher was intended to collaborate with the science team without any view to the larger whole. Between the oblique angles of the bulkheads and [...]
14 November 2024
USS Constellation
The ambient clamour of conversation created a buffer around Lieutenant Leander Nune, offering the illusion of privacy between himself and Laken ir-Nesthai. They were seated at a teaming workstation with only a holographic LCARS pane between them. Between the excited chatter and computer chimes, not [...]