USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

A reception, an artifact recovery, and an unexplained reading converge to one unique event for the crew of the Rubidoux,

Mission Description

Tasked with attending and mediating a summit between two former worlds, principally by retrieving and ultimately presenting an artifact of duel cultural significance. But a chance unexplained reading, promotes a closer look, as a long kept and damaging secret is hinted at. Vilgi Morr, Eviea Merrova, and the crew of the Rubidoux seek to run down the truth before the ceremony begins and crimes are brushed away forever. 

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

23 April 2024

Stirring Up That Which Was Buried. (Indigo#11)(Legacy entry)

USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Seated at one of workstations, her comm badge is placed on the bench with part of its coving removed, exposing the inner workings. She had placed it close to one of the interface panels, which also had a side and top framing removed, again exposing some of the workings. A scavenged ODN coupler and [...]

19 April 2024

Pull one Thread, Then another.....part two (Indigo#11)

USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Unarmed, and without much hope of overpowering three security persons. Racshaw mouthed ‘I’m sorry’, in Withath’s direction, to which she received a resigned shrug, expecting to be pushed away from an avenue of research, that made the woman first disappointed, which lit Andorian blood aflame [...]

15 April 2024

Pull one Thread, Then another.....part one (Indigo#10)

USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

It was with purpose that Eviea strode through the space station, having been pointed in the right direction, and insisting on making her own way. She rounded a corner, finding a door on either side of it two desks, behind one sat a Betelgusain, behind the other a Kerack, an outward symbol of [...]

9 April 2024

Unforeseen Consequences (Indigo#9)

USS Rubidoux: Trials of Diplomacy

Pacing through a very wide and airy reception area, it’s plush, right deep blue carpets, the body hugging chairs and low circular tables, arranged in pairs around the space, even the full length windows, allowing unhindered access to the skyline of the city, were all lost on Augs-Adjunkt Ogath. [...]