Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Argo: Voyage into the Unknown

While on the journey towards Starbase 93 both the Argo and Nighthawk are catapulted into an underspace aperture. New discoveries awaits!

Mission Description

The USS Argo and USS Nighthawk receive orders to head towards Starbase 93 to join the Saratoga Emmisary Squadron. While en route, an aperture opens up in front of them, hurtling them through underspace. When they exit, they try to figure out where they are and how to return, all while undercovering an ion storm they decide to study.

About the Mission

USS Argo
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

14 July 2024

1 - Voyage into the Unknown

USS Argo: Voyage into the Unknown

The ready room onboard the Argo was neither small nor huge but right in between. It had a desk near the middle of the room and a lounging area next to the window. It included a bookshelf full of books Serel had collected over the years and loved to sometimes just read to unwind after a long day. [...]