Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

The Tianwen tasked with transporting an injured Captain from Starbase 86 to Starbase 93 a simple mission pulling them away from the Underspace mystery until they are pulled away to deploy probes. With an injured Captain what is going to happen?

Mission Description

Through a request the Tianwen is asked to transport a Captain to Starbase 93 due to having the needed specialist present to help the Captain after a recent injury. While on route to Starbase 93 the Tianwen has been asked to deploy probes in investigation of aperture’s. What will happen as the ship is still equipped with a skeleton crew.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

1 September 2024

Bridge Duty

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

Adriana Cruz opened her eyes, and sat up. As on the USS Luna the captain’s room was the largest aside from VIP Quarters on the ship. It had the most comfortable bed, and logically the best view possible. It was hard to, looking out the window, tell morning from evening in space but as she slipped [...]

1 August 2024

Keeping It Casual

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

Captain Adriana Cruz woke early and headed to the primary holodeck. Given the skeleton crew aboard the ship it was not in use, so she used it to create a gymnasium. Treadmills, rowing machines, weights, and more were around the area and she headed to a treadmill. Though her leg was still [...]

30 June 2024

A Pleasant Guest

USS Tianwen: A Simple Transport

The Tianwen had been pulled away from the Division per the orders of Fleet Captain Tomuya. The truth was the Tianwen was going to be used for a transportation mission, but because where the person needed to go was Starbase 93 and the Division was stationed at Starbase 93 within the Fourth Fleet it [...]