Part of USS Dragonfly: Dragonfly Emissary Squadron

Montana Station: The Plains of Montana

The newest station in the far reaches of Federation Space is nearing completion.

Mission Description

Newly minted Fleet Captain Fontana becomes the first CO of Starbase 406 – Montana Station.  Together with his new XO, Captain Peter Crawford, and their new command team, they will begin engaging with the community around them and beyond.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

21 September 2024

TPOM 013 – Reports and Assignments

Montana Station: The Plains of Montana

“Fifteen dead. Two hundred and fifty injured.  We transported the most severe cases here – one hundred.  The Dragonfly has taken custody of the remaining one hundred and fifty.”  Captain Leopold Halsey handed the PADD across the desk to the station commander, Fleet Captain [...]

15 September 2024

TPOM 012 – Landing

Montana Station: The Plains of Montana

They landed in hell.  The heat from the flames kicked the environmental suits into action as the cooling systems clicked on and additional shielding activated.  Captain Halsey glanced around.  Fires were all around.  He snapped open his tricorder, “We’ve got life signs [...]

14 September 2024

TPOM 011 – Trouble

Montana Station: The Plains of Montana

“Lieutenant, we’ve got a problem.”  The young ensign leaned back from her station, catching the Deputy Director of Communications Operations as she returned with coffee to her desk in the center of the ring. Lieutenant Presley Atega took a hesitant sip of from the steaming cup and walked [...]

31 August 2024

TPOM 010 – A New Day

Montana Station: The Plains of Montana

“We’re moving Task Forces.”  Captain Elbert Burton stood before Fleet Captain Geronimo Fontana’s desk, handing over the secure PADD.  “A new unit has been formed, Task Force 21.” Fontana took the PADD.  Their assignment in the rimward edges of Federation space had been [...]