USS Valley Forge (Archive) - USS Fresno

Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

Deceived by the Doppelgänger of Dr Gallian Makon, Captain Samantha Hyland is forced to pursue the mysterious "Ghost - Ship", Hull - 3185 through an interspatial rift and come face to face with her most formidable enemy...herself.

Mission Description

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known”.


1 Corinthians 13:12

King James Bible

When members of her crew are taken against their will and the derelict “USS Artemis” tears open a rift between space/time, Sam Hyland makes the impossible decision to commit the USS Valley Forge to a headlong pursuit into the unknown.

What she discovers there will shake her faith in both the Federation and herself to the very core, as Samantha and her crew uncover a desperate resistance struggling not only against a totalitarian regime – founded on twisted ideals of empiricism and cruelty – but discover a horrifying old enemy in a terrifying new form that, if left unchecked, will threaten not only her own Universe – but the fate of the many.

Join the crew of the USS Valley Forge as they dare to venture Through a Mirror, Crack’d Darkly.

About the Mission


USS Fresno
Total Stories
Start Date

19 March 2025

Strangers in a Strange Land

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

  “If a body meet a body comin’ through the rye.” J.D. Salinger – The Catcher in the Rye. (1905)   Samantha Hyland awoke and, for a moment, didn’t know who she was or where she was. The light had an unfamiliar quality, and it hurt her eyes as she struggled to open them. Her [...]

18 March 2025

Last Ride of the Kh’Veng

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“Heghlu’DI’ mobbe’lu’chugh QaQpu’ Hegh wanI’” (Death is an experience best shared) The Klingon Way   It contained the “stuff of stars and planets”, including gases, dust, and complex molecules. Exotic particles thrown out by the explosion of a dying [...]

17 March 2025

Bait & Switch

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

“Wisdom isn’t everything. Survival requires an element of trickery, Chaos, subterfuge. All qualities I possess (if I may say so) in abundance.” Joanne Harris   Its severe, shovel – headed prow cleaved the darkness as the ISS Albion maintained its persistent vigil through the [...]

13 March 2025

Resistance, Renaissance & Resignation

USS Valley Forge: Through a Mirror, Crack'd Darkly

  “Obedience and resignation are our personal offerings upon the altar of duty.” Hosea Ballou (1828)   As he attempted to push through the ever shifting submergence of bodies that thronged the narrow byways and switchbacks of the Agora, Commander Daniel Talland was struck not only by [...]