USS Rubidoux

Mission 3 Where shadows are cast

Having concluded their shakedown patrol, the Rubidoux is tasked with providing assistance to ships, colonies, and worlds in need within TF17's AO.

Mission Description

Assigned to conduct escorts and evacuation missions for summons within the Taskforce Area of Operations.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

19 February 2025

Chapter 3

USS Rubidoux: Mission 3 Where shadows are cast

Captain’s Ready Room Tiberius leaned back, having concluded his review of Thalora’s culture and its people. Founded around a core religion that praised an entity known as the Great Nest. There was little recorded about it beyond the nest being a collective of sorts. Tib imagined it to [...]

12 February 2025

Chapter 2 (Contest Submission)

USS Rubidoux: Mission 3 Where shadows are cast

Simulated Main Engineering – Holodeck 1, USS Rubidoux Taran cursed as she studied the master status display tied into her work desk. She had no idea why she’d even volunteered for the fleet Core Breach challenge proposed in the Engineering journal. Typically, they just made her roll her [...]

10 February 2025

Chapter 1

USS Rubidoux: Mission 3 Where shadows are cast

Captain’s log Stardate 76768.11 We’ve concluded our first mission, which on paper was little more than a standard patrol circuit. Make the rounds, see the sights. Iron out the kinks and shake the dust out of the ship. Which we did. And some. Along the way, we discovered an artificial [...]