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Part of Bravo Fleet: We Are the Borg

USS Century: 0. The Great Chase

The USS Century is sent to track down and monitor a Borg Scout vessel and ascertain the purpose of it's incursion.

Mission Description

The USS Century is sent to track down and monitor a Borg Scout vessel and ascertain the purpose of it’s incursion.

About the Mission

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End Date

5 December 2023

Objectivity vs. Morality

USS Century: 0. The Great Chase

A full day had elapsed since the Borg Scout ship had assault what appeared to be a secret Romulan facility before departing deeper into contested territory, leaving the crew of the USS Century to piece together everything they could while at a considerable standoff distance from the attack site. [...]

25 November 2023

Shots in the Dark

USS Century: 0. The Great Chase

The USS Century eased to a stop as it neared the border separating Romulan Republic-controlled space with that of the various fractured ‘empires’ of various warlords who have taken control of a host of former Romulan Empire worlds. The crew now had to rely entirely on their long range sensors [...]

23 November 2023

Sophistic Behavior

USS Century: 0. The Great Chase

Captain Gar’rath sat perched in the center chair on the bridge, staring at the view screen as it displayed a Borg Scout vessel surrounded by the streaking star field that accompanied warp flight. The crew around him kept themselves busy monitoring their situation as well as that of the craft [...]

21 November 2023

A(n un)lucky break...

USS Century: 0. The Great Chase

Several days slipped by as the USS Century continued to pursue the scattered reports of vessels matching descriptions of Borg vessels. The longer they searched, the more confident the crew started to become in their assertion that this was simply an act of over caution on the part of their Captain [...]