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USS Luna: The New Ship

The crew of the USS Luna set sail.

Mission Description

The crew of the USS Luna set sail.

About the Mission

USS Luna
Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

3 March 2024

The Bloody End

USS Luna: The New Ship

—- USS Luna, Hangerbay 1 —-   Lieutenant Junior Grade Rosa Flores was one of a team of security officers watching the Runabouts following the Captain’s orders that only she had the authority to launch them. Not being part of the senior staff she did not know exactly what was going on, [...]

2 March 2024

Killing Time

USS Luna: The New Ship

—- USS Luna, Medical Bay —-   Doctor Va’Tok looked up from his PADD as Klar entered. The Klingon First Officer seemed in a horrid mood, but then again the Vulcan was not an expert on human (or Klingon) moods. It simply struck him as if Klar was always some form of upset. Switching off [...]

28 February 2024

Body Count

USS Luna: The New Ship

—- USS Luna, Transporter Room 1 —-   The away team rematerlialized on the platform and everyone rushed off to do their jobs. Lieutenants Junior Grade Hume and Flores to the security office, Cruz went to the bridge and S’anra Navan went to speak with her government. Only Chief Diplomatic [...]

27 February 2024

Bump in the Dark

USS Luna: The New Ship

—- The Dark —-   Assistant Chief Security Officer William Hume searched the belongings of another dead Romulan. There was no telling what killed him with their tricorders. Maybe a more sensitive medical device would have worked, but they had not anticipated finding a station full of dead [...]