Part of USS da Vinci: The Great Starship Sale and Bravo Fleet: The Devil to Pay

Part 16: Confrontation

USS da Vinci / USS Stavanger
Mission Day 20 Continued
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Five space suited figures slowly and carefully made their way across the outer hull of the Norway-class vessel.  Each carried a phaser; drawn and pointing in the general direction they were moving.  They were spread out to cover as much area of the ship was possible, yet close enough to spot any hand signals being used by the individual at the centre of the line.

A thin finger tapped the monitor screen which was relaying the image. “I thought you said they wouldn’t know we were here?”  The Romulan Sub-Commander who’s finger it was growled.  “If this operation goes wrong, Vice-proconsul A’Tevek will expect to be repaid in full.”

Bellbrooke ignored the irritated office behind him and continued to check his reading, confirming a few details with the pilot seated next to him in the cloaked Romulan shuttle craft.  “We arrive at the target in five minutes. They won’t reach us before then.”

The Sub-Commander muttered something under his breath, but kept his eyes focused on the slowly advancing figures.  Whilst it was true to say they were still some distance away, they would eventually discover the location of the shuttle.  Even if they never saw it; one of them was eventually going to walk right into the craft, with a bump.   However he didn’t even have to wait until that happened.

The figure at the centre raised his hand; and indication for everyone to stop.  The Romulan wished they’d only monitored rather than block all communications.  Whilst it meant the Starfleet officers and crew couldn’t talk to each other, it also meant he had no clear indication of what they were doing.

The same figure raised the phaser they were carrying. “No you can’t see use?” It was both a statement and question rolled into one.  Whether they could see the cloaked shuttle or not, made no difference.  They fired anyway.  Had there been nothing to hit, the beam of energy would have just carried on.  Instead a point of light glowed in the nothingness.   Moments later the rest of the group joined him in firing.

Sparks flew and something on the consul just behind the pilot; short-circuited.  Cloaked the shuttle had no shields and at this range even hand held energy weapons could cause minor damage. “Get our shields up.”  Yelled the Sub-Commander to the pilot.

“They’ll see us!” Bellbrooke shouted back at the Romulan.

“As if that’s going to make any difference now, you fool!” The Romulan barked.  The shuttle was now fully visible, but at least it could no longer be damaged by the pitifully small weapons the five Federation personnel, carried.

“Two minutes to target.” Bellbrooke informed them; making one last check on the USS Stavanger’s weapons.  “The USS da Vinci and Sizemore are right behind use.”

“You better be able to get use clear once this ship opens fire.”  The Sub-Commander aimed the comment at both the former chief engineer and the pilot.  “I have little wish to turn this into a suicide mission.”

“We’ll re-engage the cloak just before we disengage.” Responded Bellbrooke. “Dropping us out of warp 10, 9, 8….”

The Romulan shuttle was anchored to a point on the hull just off the port side of the bridge; had Lieutenant Grav and his team approached from the rear of the Norway-class ship they would never have been near to it in time.  The XO had made suggestions as were a ship might be attached.  Close to the Bridge and the ships computer core, for ease of communication with it.  The Tellarite had felt he could just see something; a slight distortion in the hull plating; it had been enough to convince him to open fire.  His hunch had proven correct.  But this had all been part of a carefully calculated distraction.


Lieutenant-Commander Alara Ley, had carefully piloted the shuttle craft Viking from its hanger and way now flying it within a metre of its parent vessel.  Keeping it within the Stavanger’s warp bubble; meant the two craft travelled as one.  There was little room for error; too low and she could strike the hull, too high and the shuttle would make an abrupt and possibly catastrophic exit from the warp bubble.  It helped that host number three had been an accomplished pilot; she was a pretty good pilot herself and her husband had been equally as good.  So all that knowledge and skill combined into one individual; certainly made a difference in challenging situation like this.

It had only been a theory put forward by one of the engineers that a small craft might be attached, though they’d not detected one from the da Vinci before beaming over, but that didn’t rule out something with a cloak.  Lieutenant Grav and his security team had very kindly forced the Romulan shuttle to reveal itself, and also hopeful distract whoever was on board.

Alara had no idea who was on the shuttle, or that one of them was about to say the number ‘7’ as part of their countdown, as she rammed the Type 6 she was piloting into its side.  The Trill XO was jolted in her seat by the impact of the two small craft.  The momentum was enough to overcome the magnetic clamps holding the Romulan in place causing it to drift sideways.  It struck the hull plating around the Bridge section of the Stavanger; sending into a slow motion spin.


The Romulan Sub-Commander lay dazed on the floor having been flung off his feet by the sudden and unexpected impact.  Bellbrooke was half out of his seat; having just been able to hold on, the pilot next to him had clearly cracked his head on the control surface in front of him.  He lay face down on it, a faint trace of blood running down the angled touch screen interface.

The former Starfleet officer had two choices; send the final commands to the ship as it now dropped out of warp, or shove the unconscious pilot out the way and steady the shuttle.  He chose to commence the attack; even if he was about to be captured or killed; his final actions would be to start a war between the Klingon’s and the Federation.  A Federation that had through its incompetence had resulted in the death of his entire family on Mars.  Navaar Orci may have thought she controlled him, and to start with that had been true; but his thirst for vengeance was much stronger than any hypnotise or drug she’d used on him over the years.  What made it even sweeter was the fact that a small breakaway Romulan faction had bought this ship to start the war. Today would mark the beginning of the end for what he saw as his enemy.

A small Klingon mining platform sat on an unremarkable looking moon and the space station in close orbit; would be the first things to be ripped apart by torpedo’s and Phaser fire.  Even the combined efforts of the da Vinci and Sizemore couldn’t stop it in time; and the longer they took the more devastation and havoc he could create.

He’d killed Armitage the only other person that could have overridden his commands and brought all this to an end.  Bellbrooke leaned back, closed his eyes and begun laughing hysterically, nothing was going to stop him.


On the Bridge of the USS da Vinci what seemed like chaos to any outside observer was in fact a well-oiled machine in operation.  The Saber-class vessel dropped out of warp, mere seconds behind the ship they were pursuing; and less three minutes before the USS Sizemore joined them.

Commander Anacostia-Bolling sat in the Captain’s seat as reports came at her from all sides.  But the Bridge crew were skilled and disciplined enough not to interrupt each other and only give her the information she needed to make her decisions.

The USS Stavanger had its shields up and was charging all weapons; ready to fire at a Klingon mining facility, with an estimated 250 individual working there.  On the hull five space suited figures had been spotted; along with a Federation shuttle and A Romulan one.  All this added to the difficulty of aiming at the renegade vessel and the chances of killing Starfleet personnel.

As the first pair of Quantum Torpedoes leapt from the Stavanger’s forward tubes and phaser fire lanced towards the mine; its destruction within minutes looked a foregone conclusion, yet someone had very different ideas.  The Vor’cha-class Attack Cruiser Qu’vatlh; sat waiting for the perfect moment to reveal itself and with all the power it could provide to its forward shields, absorb the onslaught.

By now the now the Romulan shuttle had drifted further from the Norway-class vessel, presenting itself as a more favourable target.  Commander Anacostia-Bolling stood behind the Ensign at Tactical; watching the same set of reading they were. “Fire!”


The last thing former Starfleet Chief Engineer Thomas Arthur Bellbrooke witnessed was the Klingon Vor’cha bringing an end to all his hopes of vengeance.  Seconds later; the shields of the shuttle collapsed and a hull breach killed himself and the two Romulan’s aboard.

With no external commands or influence the USS Stavanger carried on with it last orders, and fired more torpedoes striking the Klingon vessels shielding.

A second shuttle carrying the rest of the away team now made a dash for safety as the USS da Vinci was able to beam Lieutenant Grav and his security guards off the hull.  Last to hobble clear was the XO in her slightly dented shuttle.

The da Vinci, Sizemore and Qu’vatlh all opened fire; even the Jaxartes was able to arrive just in time to hasten the doom of the USS Stavanger.   Finally its career as a pirate ship and potential instrument of war was over.


The image of an old and greying Klingon warrior appeared on the view screen of the USS da Vinci.  “I trust you have accounted for all your crew?”

“Yes General Matora.” Answered Commander Anacostia-Bolling .  “Thank you once again for your assistance and believing everything I’d told you about the situation.”

The Klingon started to laugh, the turned and barked a brief order to one of his subordinates.  Three Klingon Birds of Prey de-cloaked above and just behind the Vor’cha.  “Who said I believed you?”  He leaned back in his chair.  “Now I’ve played my part, but I suggest you leave Klingon space immediately.”

“Don’t worry we know when were not wanted General.”

“Vaj ngoQ’e’laH.” The Klingon laughed again and so did other members of his bridge crew, before transmission was cut.

“Helm; take use out of here.” The Commander ordered. “And someone explain to me what he just said!?”