Part of Starbase Bravo: Process Not Perfection

First Meeting

Sector Hotel-Turquoise, Starbase Bravo
January 2402
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Despite the rigors and events of the previous day, Makarov slept peacefully and woke up feeling refreshed and centered. Well, centered for Makarov. This didn’t last long as he went through the morning routine of hygiene and breakfast. He was to meet the commander of the Astrophysics Department today. He knew next to nothing about Lieutenant Gideon Johnson and unknowns in social situations always made Makarov nervous.

After finishing breakfast, Makarov fussed over his teal uniform. He really wanted to make a good first impression on Lieutenant Johnson. First impressions were usually where things went wrong for Makarov and he vowed that this time would be different. He kept going over his uniform for an inordinate amount of time until he realized he was just stalling. Taking a steeling breath, he looked at the mirror and an awkward, gangly man stared back. He left not feeling any better but forcing himself to focus.

Makarov forced its mind to pay attention instead of allowing it to do its traditional wandering through the mystical land of physics. A new intrusion was also worrying his mind. Purple hair and flashing smile would occasionally attack his resolution to focus. He found himself in front of Lieutenant Johnson’s office far too soon for his liking. He puffed out his cheeks nervously, fidgeted for a few seconds and then finally hit the door chime.

“Enter,” Johnson said looking up from the PADD he held in his hand. The door swished open and as he locked eyed with the young ensign.

Makarov entered the office to see a bearded, dark skinned human behind the desk. He was holding a PADD and looking Makarov dead in the eyes. Makarov straightened to attention.

“Ensign Valeriy Borisivich Makarov, reporting for duty, sir.”, Makarov paused then added, “I hope I’m not interrupting, sir.”

“Not at all ensign. At ease,” he said his voice soft but carrying the weight of authority. Standing from his desk he walked over to the replicator. “Can I get something?”

Makarov blinked, forced himself to relax and said, “Black tea with lemon, please.”

Johnson grabbed the tea and his coffee from the replicator and headed towards Makarov. Handing him the cup he gestured yo the chair in front of his desk. “Please sit,” he said as he returned to his own sit.

“Yes, sir.”, Makarov took his tea, sat and took a sip. He then waited expectantly as did his best not to fidget.

Sipping his coffee Johnson glanced at the PADD that showed Ensign Valeriy Malarov’s record. “I want you to tell me something about yourself I could find on your record,” he said to him his voice stoic.

Johnson’s seriousness unnerved Makarov slightly and he began to fidget a bit more. He couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t on his record that wasn’t mundane, and the somewhat grim demeanor of the senior officer told Makarov to tread carefully.

“Well, uh, sir. I am working on a, ummm, theory about how to “trick” subatomic particles into behaving as they would they, uh,would if they were unobserved.”, Makarov suddenly warmed to the subject, “I know that this has been an on again, off again debate since the early 21st century but I’ve been working on a few….”.

Makarov trailed off, suddenly embarrassed at his burst of animation.

“Well it’s, uh, a work in progress, sir.”, he concluded somewhat lamely.

Johnson took a long draw from his mug as he eyed Makarov. He watched him intently as he noticed his fidgeting and embarrassment. Placing the mug back on the desk Johnson locked eyes with the young officer.

“Ensign, I’m going to tell you something a friend told me on my first post,” he said pausing to let his words sink in before continuing. “Never be embarrassed about your ambitions. If your passionate about it show it. That sort of thing will take you places.”

Makarov brightened a little at these words. He grabbed his tea and sipped, then asked after a moment.

“So what will my duties on the station entail, sir? Any current projects?”

“There are,” Johnson said as he picked up a PADD from his desk handing it to Makarov. “But those are being handled by the thousands of officers stationed here. I want you to continue your research into tricking subatomic particles. During your free time and I want us to meet in the Green Apple once a month for an update.”

Johnson spoke softly as he watched Makarov’s features analyzing his every move. “Do you thank you can do this?” He asked him.

Makarov’s eye’s widened in excitement. He was being encouraged to do his research. Being able to see subatomic particles in their “natural” unobserved state could open the doors for so much advancement in a myriad of different fields!

With effort Makarov forced himself back to the here and now.

“Of course, sir!”, he said excitedly, then remembering himself he calmed his tone, “I really appreciate it, sir.”

Johnson smiled at him as he sat back in his seat. “Then your dismissed ensign,” he said as he watched the young officer leave his office the door swishing close behind him.