Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

USS Constellation's mission of exploration through the Delta Quadrant takes on a new dimension

Mission Description

Months deep into their continuing mission of exploration in the Delta Quadrant, USS Constellation has lost their north star.  The USS Grus has gone missing!

From Borg-occupied territory to the rare Wolf-Rayet star, from Chessu to the Krenim colony on Onitha, the scout ship Grus has charted a path for the crew of Constellation. Oh, all the wonders they’ve seen.

Constellation is pulled from a planetary survey of Buccarro IV by a distress call from the Grus, lost in an uncharted nebula.  Initially, the search pattern seems clear to Captain Taes, but triangulation within the nebula proves not enough.  Where the Grus has been lost, it can only be found in the labyrinth of Underspace.

About the Mission

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Start Date
End Date

29 July 2024

Curse My Stars - 10

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

Captain’s Log, supplemental It’s over. By all accounts from Fourth Fleet Command, the Underspace apertures and corridors across the Alpha and Beta Quadrants have collapsed. Gul Khem was no outlier; the Cardassian Union was successful in its coordinated attack to protect its borders by removing [...]

27 July 2024

Curse My Stars - 9

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

Because of the great distance between them, the change in state was hardly visible. Framed by the expansive transparent viewscreen, there appeared to be little more than a single blue spark—a flicker in the night, just another shooting star in the endless void. Anything could look beautiful, [...]

25 July 2024

Curse My Stars - 8

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

The more her field of vision narrowed on the chronometer, the more Yuulik felt like she was drowning.  Her chest felt tighter with every tick of the second counter climbing higher and higher.  She knew the sensation to be unnatural, imaginary.  She was standing in the astrophysics [...]

21 July 2024

Curse My Stars - 7

USS Constellation: Curse My Stars

“Shall I hail them again?” Nova asked.   The cheery lilt to her question held the aroma of artifice, like that too-Jacarine flavour of Jacarine liqueur.  Taes appreciated the gesture.  It released the tense silence on the bridge; in moments, the murmurs of soft conversation rose [...]