Part of USS Morro Bay: Cali-Class?? A Cali-Class?!

Welp. This sucks. ( Part 1/3 )

Conference Room No.1
Early 2402
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There’ve been busy days on Starfleet: and today was no different. Working Ensigns, away missions, cleanup duty. All the usual hustle and bustle. For Chief Medical Officer and Engineering Officers Amira Sullivan & Plimmitt Ruuvon?

Book club.

The two sat in comfortable silence as the hum of the Morro Bay filled their ears, both flipping through the pages of the physical literature in their hands. Plimmitt had contacts to get authentic old books—enjoying the rustic feeling they brought.

Conversation was rare between the two during these little meetings, but today was different.

“New Captain is coming in three days.” Dr. Sullivan said after a beat. “I’ve heard she’s one of the youngest in the fleet.”

“Oh. Joy.” If Plimmit’s pupil’s could be visible, they’d have rolled. “Do you think she will be…” The saurian paused. Lots of pausing between these two. “…quiet?”

”Pfft, a captain? No. But I do hope she’ll be competent.” Amira raised a brow as she read a particularly interesting passage in her novel.

”Mh.” Plimmitt grumbled, closing the book dramatically. “Amira. Can I ask a question?”

The good doctor rose a brow, closing her book with a small thump. “You never do. What’s on your mind?”

“One of the analysis reports in the warp core.” The chief officer started. “I found something that might be a little concerning.”

”Ah. Work.” Amira cleared her throat, repositioning herself in the chair. “What is it?” Before she could finish, however, the door to the room slid open, causing the both to look in its direction.

“Hellllooooooo! This is where Doctor Sullivan and Mr. Ruuvan are, right?” Came a voice. From the doorway stood…

….Captain Jetta Dowe herself, hands on her hips and smiling wide. “It is! Hiiii there!”

“Good afternoon, Captain.” Amira greeted her new captain with a nod.

”Yes. Hello.” Plimmitt was already wildly uncomfortable—he despised erratic and frantic conversation, and this was its flagship.

“Geez, so formal.” She walks over and sits at the head of the table, a smile wide on her face. “My name is Captain Jetta Dowe. It’s an honor and pleasure to be working with you all!”

“I’m glad you’re taking the initiative, Captain, but we didn’t expect you to be here so…” Dr. Amira trailed off.

“Early. Unannounced.” Plimmitt finished, going back to reading his book. Jetta was seemingly oblivious to her intrusion, leaning over and glancing at the book being read. Plimmitt let out a small sigh and looked forward, closing the book.

“It was nice to meet you, Captain. I have duties to get back too, however.” The Saurian was desperately attempting to leave, ready to disengage in the conversation. 

“Ah, but Mr. Ruuvan!” Jetta called back to him. Damnit. 

“…Yes?” He asks, turning to face her, grip tightening ever so slightly on the book. “Is everything alright?”

“Well, yes, but we’re having fun! Introductions, y’know? Come on, sit, sit. I need to run a few ideas by you anyways.” Jetta pats the seat near her.

“Oh! You too, Dr. Sullivan.” Jetta turns back and waves at Amira, who…was very much attempting to leave. “Good thing I got you before you were gone!”

“..Right. Apologies, Captain. It’s a busy day.” She gives a big smile and sits down as well. With one look at Plimmitt, the two instantly understood how quickly the other wants to leave. Captain Dowe was a nice girl, but it was far too early in the shift to be this energetic.

“No worries! But hey, that means I’m on a good track, right? Right.” Jetta put her hands on her hips. “Y’know, people have said I’m waayyy too energetic. Or laid back! Or both! But you two? Nahh, you get me. I can like, feel it in my bones. Y’know?”

The two looked at each other, then back at Jetta, then at each other again. Oh boy.

“Okay! First and foremost, I’m sorry if I am being too ‘informal’.” Jetta curled her fingers into air quotes as she said that. “I think a good culture on a ship is when the Captain is more comfy with their crew!”

“Aha, Captain Dowe.” Amira raised a hand to stop her, stifling a chuckle. “I understand what you’re trying to do. But surely you could see why alarm bells are going off in my head right now.”

“If you’re worried about being professional, or keeping my crew on track–I know how to do that. Well. maybe not the crew part. It’s my first time being a Captain.” Jetta grabs a tablet off the table, typing in a few things as she spoke. “But there’s a first time for everything! Besides, I went through every training protocol, every diplomatic procedure, and even re-took a few exams to make sure I have this.”

As Jetta spoke, (and with a very respectful tone), results and grades started showing up on said tablet. She slid it across the table, staring directly in the eyes of the older woman. It was like a flip was switched in her way of speaking and mannerisims.

“Well. Color me impressed, Captain.” Amira raised her brows as she looked along the results. Jetta wasn’t lying–not that Amira thought she was–and it seemed she was even holding back on her accomplishments. “I apologize if I came off as dismissive…I have just been on this ship for quite a while.”

“I didn’t think you were, don’t worry.” Jetta waved the silly thought away. “I’m disrupting a pretty well oiled machine! It’ll take everyone a hot minute to get adjusted, so if people are skeptical, it’s not unreasonable.”

“Well, you are the Captain now, no?” The doctor continued to look through the tablet. Accomplishment after accomplishment–but quite a few things on her record about being very passionate. No kidding, Amira thought. “Respect is a given.”

“I’m one of the youngest Captains in Starfleet right now. I want to earn the respect of my crew, not have it forced.” Jetta frowned. it quickly turned into a smile as she spoke again. “But hey! I’ve had great feedback so far. I was down in engineering before I saw you all! I even made a plan to start coming down there weekly and saying hello!”

You what.” Plimmitt’s head whipped around to face Jetta so fast he almost hurt his neck.

“Yes, Mr. Ruuvon, you heard me right.” Jetta smiled at him. “I’ll be there once a week for an hour or two to help out and see how everything’s going!”

“Why?? It doesn–OOF!” The Saurian yelped as Amira kicked his shin. “I mean….Greaaaatt..!”

“I think it’s very admirable you’ve been going about the crew and personally meeting them, Captain. Maybe I’m just stuck in my old ways and need a change of pace.” Amira gave a soft smile to Jetta. Plimmit’s jaw fell open. “Now, we are in the middle of a book club meeting. Seeing as you have other rounds, may we?”

“Oh! Yes, of course. I’ve scheduled an actual meeting with all the chief officers tomorrow at 0800, so we can discuss more there.” Jetta gave a small wave as she made her way to the door with little less than a ‘bye’.

“. . . .What?” The older woman asked Plimmitt (who’s jaw was still hanging open) as Jetta left.

“‘Maybe I’m just stuck in my old ways and need a change of pace’?! What?? Who are you?” The Saurian hissed, his voice a whisper shout as if someone was listening.

“She’s young! She’s just starting out! Be nice, Plimmitt.” The doctor pinched the bridge of her nose as she spoke. “I understand it’s a lot. Trust me, these past few months have been. BUT, would you rather be at odds with this new Captain, or help guide her to become a great one?” Amira slid the tablet to Plimmitt.

“You’re soft spot for the younger crew is getting a little endearing.” He sighed, leaning back in his chair as his fingers slowly went through the records.

“She reminds me a lot of me when I was just starting out.”

“You? Like that? Psh, yeah, and I’m-”

“No, genuinely.” Amira gave a soft smile as she looked at the door. “If she’ll be anything like me, then I have a good feeling about this one.”


  • Honestly Sazra would response the same as both Plimmitt and Amira if she would meet Jetta, but a lovely bright woman that might be a genius in the making. A great introduction post and love to see more! Wonderful work!

    February 25, 2025